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First trip of the year today for James, Gordon and I. Forecast was good, so off to the Shambles it was.


A nice early launch at 7am and soon zipping across to the bank.


Noticable today was the trim tabs - much better test conditions than last week - bascially they do what they say on the tin. We had over 25 knots on the way out today - faster than usual by about 1/2 knots. The ride was so much better and we cruised at 18 knots all the way out, despite it kicking up a little offshore.


Chatting to Chris on the quay before we left it appreared the bank has not been fishing - it looked perfect - water was amazingly clear - we could clearly see the bottom on the shallow areas of the bank under 30' - water temp was also near the magic number - 7.8 degs.


Our perfectly presented baits remain untouched all morning, the radio was deathly silent and we tried all areas - nothing.


We feather up a few fat launce on the morning slack so decided to mouch off about 11am to get a bend in the rod. 1st drift on the mark and BANG! a crash diving beauty hit hard - this is how it continued for about an hour with a pollock take evry cast - great fun....the best went 6lb 8oz. Fish came to live launce, but the storm sandeels out perfomed even the live bait! 10 turns slowly off the bottom on a 6' trace. We lost count in the end of how many!


We headed back over to the bank to try and catch the target species - ol' red spots.


A bacon butty and tea later and Gordon bags the first of the day - at just under 1lb - followed by me next cast with a similar sized fish. Dawn Raider then added another to the tally and things looked to be improving - short lived Im afriad - that was it for the day. Weather was superb until abotu 4pm when a few sqaulls moevd in so back in and home for 6pm.


A good start to the season - roll on easter!




nice report Adam - glad you had such a great day out.


interesting that the artificials fished so well heads up against the live launce - any ideas why?


Nice one Adam, good to see the lads out at long last!!! Shame the Plaice aren't of table size yet.


Duncan, its possibly just the size of launce, as the feathered fish we took last week were all in the 10" size range, and stormies are far smaller. These artificials worked well over the wrecks too, so they should work inshore, albeit in clearer, shallower water.



tongue.giftongue.gif Nice one lads, Good report. You are spot on Rich in the size of the launce, later in the year the big ones will catch but smaller is better(at least that is what my missus says) this time of year. 4 inch shads and eels work well. Plaice should be in big style after next set of springs so keep ing fingers crossed lads. BB cool.gif

Well done Adam and Crew!


Good going on what sounds like a productive day.

The average size of fish seems very small this year (at least you are catching), does anyone know why?

Maybe just a whole new "year class" coming through...?



Can I be a cheaky b@gger and ask you to PM where the inshore Pollock were coming from?


Cheers mate and good one for Sunday.




Billy - your right. The launce were huge - a good 8" plus, the pollock takes were very plucky, requiring several hits before they found the hook.


The smaller 4" Storm lures did the business every time - I was a bit reluctant last year abiut these - but an 100% convinced now.



Can I be a cheaky b@gger and ask you to PM where the inshore Pollock were coming from?


No, you would know as much as me then!



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