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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Planning on taking a trip out of Christchurch on Monday.

Will probably be taking Paul J and his brother in Law out and hopefully be able to push a bit further off shore this time. ( Surely will be less swell than last time out ).


From the tides I am thinking of an 8:30 launch time. ( LW is at 06:41 ). Anyone fancy buddying ?


Dependant upon the weather will try fishing further offshore ( and testing out the trim tabs ).




Hi Paul,


I'll probably be going out from Mudeford about then.


Depending on weather / swell, I thought I might go east, up to Barton or a bit further ........... reasons as per other thread and the obivious lack of fish around the Ledge in this cold water.......... but all plans are likely to change; see what reports come in tomorrow [ Sunday].


Hope to see you out there,




Just got back from a jaunt down the beach at southbourne the beach its MASSIVE now! there must be a fair trench out there to fish, wherever that sand came from dry.gif /

It looked a bit sloppy out there about lunchtime but calmed down later on this afternoon. loads of boats out, but only one fishing that I could see, good luck to you guys heading out tomorrow ,ive go to work weep.gif






'oliday fever rising........


Livestock lack the understanding of the weekend off.


You too are a member of the........... 'Fishy yet not Fishing Club'


Welcome aboard sad.gif





Tommorw I might not be fishing but i'll probably be catching more than the guys going out fishing. laugh.giflaugh.gif .........................I could be wrestling morays or even sole or trigger fish! tongue.gif






That was also my plan ( to try drifting a wreck closer in ) - weather willing.

I also want to test out the smart tabs I have just fitted and to make sure that I have sealed all the holes properly wink.gif


We are launching at 7:00 to have a go in the harbour first, so will probably see you "en-route".






What are you going to have a 'Go for' in the harbour ?? You might be able to find a few mullet .......... I saw a shoal of sizeable ones in the pool above one of the bridges in Christchurch this afternoon.


Looks like it might be a bit breezy tomorrow to go far [ forecast F4 or 5 ....SW. going NW later ] .... just on the limit for me.




Quest II has a crew of four heading off to tomorrow from Weymouth at 06:30! ohmy.gif


With conflicting forecasts (looks windier inshore) we aim to head way off South in search of Pollock and Ling, but have the back-up of coming in if the weather is dodgy and fishing Adam's special mark off the Shambles.


Inshore Waters is giving 4 to 5 occ 6 West ish through the day backing later to 3.

Shipping (mid channel) is giving 3 to 4 all day West ish which will be fine.


XC which has seemed to underestimate stuff as far back as I can remember is giving 3 just touching 4 all day.


Fingers crossed for a catch report that just squeezes into club waters although we may slip a tad to the West if that is where the fish are.




Nice one Jimbob laugh.gif


I've got to heave up a few 10-20 lbers ready for Tuesday
















some mugs gotta do it............... laugh.gif









Based on the forecast being a repeat of Friday I'm switching to plan B and launching from Baiter to try fishing the bream marks in the shelter of the Purbecks.


Gordon H





Just seen the forecast. Strange, Met Office has 4 or 5 ocassionally 6 sea state slight to moderate.

xcweather , windguru and metcheck all have F3 to F4 in the afternoon.


I will decide on plan of action when we see what the wind is really doing on Monday.


Alun, 10/10 for guessing what we are going to "have a go" for. Maybe see you in the harbour then ??





We were planning on heading out from Weymouth again, possibly tagging along with Quest II offshore, but the forecast has put paid to that.


The Met Office now giving F4-5 increasing 6 is not my idea of fun - esp after yesterday.


We postponed the trip until later in the week, or next weekend.


Good luck to all those going out.


PS: Mike Y went out onto the Shambles today - a few plaice, a 5lb turbot, loads of Pollock and a couple of cod - result! biggrin.gif


Magic Seaweed also shows the swell not being so bad on Monday - but I am sure this will probably be proven incorrect weep.gifweep.gif


I am betting on the sea state not being as rough as it was on Friday, which I think was due to the 50 mph+ winds the day before.

However, I shan't be venturing far offshore if it is rough.


Will make the decision on the day.



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