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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hello there fellow members, have recently joined PBSBAC, just thought I'd say a quick hello....................................................................hello!!!


I'll be fishing mainly aboard my good friend Markee B's boat Espadon, I have been given the gracious title of 'first mate', which translated mean Anchor Monkey wink.gif


Can't wait for the coming season, seems to have been a long time coming.


No doubt meet some of you guys in the coming months.


Tight Lines




Cheers Rich,


Think the first comp we are planning to do is the Bream comp on the 14th, probably doing a recce next weekend at some point to see what is, and isn't about.


Good luck for Sunday mate




Hi Scott and welcome to THE club for boaters on the south coast

I look forward to seeing your contributions on here and of course your catch reports.


Mark nope sorry can't (well I could) do that as time is at a premium at the mo...nice idea though tongue.gif




Hi Scott


Welcome to the club.


I haven't received your details from Martin, yet, but should get them soon so that you can be added to the members list.




Bob F


Mnay thanks for the warm welcome,been meaning to join for a while, but you know how it is!!!


Looking forward to seeing some of you out and about.


Scott (Anchor Monkey) Turner


Welcome Scott


Just don't start catching more fish than Jack or I or else there will be trouble! wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif


Slapping of wet fish at 50 paces. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Bill I now have a new for you then! laugh.giflaugh.gif





hi fellow anchor monkey ever since i have become big enough to bring in the anchor its all i seem to do dad calls me winch thank god the new boat has a windless.


tight lines



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