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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Thanks to Gordon for a trip out on Fugazi, a super day with flat sea , a bit of warming sun and the first of the summer fish showing.


Launched from Wick , with Paul and Les on Neo , and crossed the Bar with plenty of water under the keel....... crystal clear, you see every stone on the bottom and the way out is clearly marked [ looks a bit narrow ; when it gets busier , boats are going to be getting very close together !!].


Rounding Hengistbury, the bay was completely flat [ I hadn't seen that for a while], so we sped across to Poole Patch ...... in search of a few bream. Lots of other boats were already on station near / over the rocky outcrops but there was little action [ tiddly pollack and pout] and the rough bottom was claiming lots of tackle. When Paul phoned over to say he'd got his first bream, that was enough temptation to up sticks and join him on Southbourne Rough [ but nowhere as rough as the Patch !]. Plenty of boats here too , but didn't see any action from them as we settled on the anchor.............. but within minutes we were into bream action ..... catching steadily through the rest of the tide. I lost count, but had five , blue, boy - bream in the coolbox and returned a load of others [ and all the females]........ Gordon took the prize for the specimen [ awaiting confirmation from the scales] , a good 3 lber. [ but I think more !].


Best bait of the day ......... undoubtedly, lug, tipped with squid; but all baits caught fish.


Several good sized wrasse briefly came aboard , and many little pollack.


Finished the trip difting the Ledge looking for bigger pollack [ unsuccessfully ] but did hit the first of the mackeral ........ not a one off, as Paul had a few over near X - ray.


Gordon's boat, Fugazi, is an excellent fishing platform, very stable, fast and comfortable. Not only a superb skipper, the on-board catering has to be complemented ........... any time you want crew again, just give me a call.


Now let's go fillet those first bream............!!






Sounds like you guys had a good day ,at long last itl looks like the summer fish are here biggrin.gif ,Im out tomorrow afternoon for a few hours to see if I can Find those bream biggrin.gif




Had a good trip out with Les as crew. As Alun said, bay was flat calm so the steam over to Southbourne Rough was smooth.


The water was amazingly clear as we went out the run, the bottom clearly visible ( same as last week in Weymouth ).


Settled down on Southbourne Rough before beingf joined by around 12 other boats. Fishing was slow but first fish to me was a medium sized ( 1 lb ish ) bream. Returned the bream and then caught a beautifully coloured wrasse.


Had a small wrasse that I suspect was a goldsinny ? ( maybe I should have weighed it ! ).


Whilst I was checking next mark to steam to my other rod went ballistic and a nice bream was on board ( alas I have to admit not as big as Gordon's one but still a nice fish ).


Tried adding some mackeral strip to the bait and along came the doggies and pout.


Fishing died off at slack water so steamed to a couple of other marks and then to X-Ray where we caught 4 mackeral in aroudn 15 mins ( on hokkae and to ragworm ).


Back to the run as I didn't want to be stranded and back to Wick. Saw Steve ( Pugwash ) in the harbour on the way back.


Back out again tomorrow.


PS: I wish I had fished the species comp out there. Had Dogfish, wrasse, bream, pollock, mackeral and pout..





Nice to see that a few summer fish are about


Humphrey phoned earlier to say he had 4 tope onboard today so at last I should get a few to add to the book


The boys and I have been busy working on the boat today but were wonmdering how others were getting on


tight lines



Today the conditions out of Christchurch were perfect for fishing and at last the summer species have arrived. Official weight confirmation of my first bream of the season 2lb 12oz and as I type this I can smell fragrant baked sea bream cooking. It was nice to meet and spend day fishing with Alun J who has given me invaluable tips on how to turn my left over bait into a gastronomic delight. Thanks to Paul D for letting us know where the fish were, because Poole Patch was dire, could this be because of the silt dumping earlier?



Gordon H



Ditto , cooking - wise .........buts fillets in squid and mussel sauce....


.......and now........ extra guests for dinner !!


.....an extra plate sir !!


We ventured out for the first fishing foray ( me and the home secretary) and headed for the ledge despite being worried about sticking anchors. Within 45 seconds of first cast a big knock signified the first fish. For me this signified a P.B. Wrasse. I don't know how much it weighed but as I have never caught one before it was a PB!. Several more followed and more boat/fishing trials proved a success.

Was the anchor stuck? Yes... but we managed to move it in the end.

Sure enough saw Neo and Fugazi on the way back to Wick ( these guys are legends) and hope to renew the acquiantance at the next meeting......or tommorrow if they are out there ' cos i will be. Thanks for the help guys.







It is not often I get congratulations for letting someone know where the fish were ( esp. a boat with Alun J onboard ! ) smile.gif


I shan't be turning my leftover bait into a gastronomic delight, unless Alun has a recipe for 5 times frozen squid which is turning a little bluish sick.gif



The patch is terrible for losing gear if you fish right on top of it. I usually try to fish as close to the edge as possible a bit like anchoring a wreck; It saves on making up new traces and we still seem to catch plenty of bream when they're there. I had a six pound bass there last year also,





You will know you are in the right spot..... I counted 15 boats in the immediate vicinity of us today.

We will be fishing the same spot to start and then probably drop into x-ray ( for a few mackeral on the return ;-)


Try: N50 41.189 W1 47.811


Only a rough guess from my chart, but should be near. Its pretty rough, smooth all around and usually has a few pot buoys on it.




It will be easy to find. Look for the cluster of charter boats and that will be your spot ( 24 boats counted yesterday ).





thanks for the numbers, we are going to have a go on wednesday so wasnt sure if any other boats would be there early.

hope you have a good trip.


cheers andy

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