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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm aware that one or two members (Maverick I'm sure) regularly launch from Cobbs. What's the form? Do you book or just turn up? Any general tips would be useful.

I just thought also about headroom for the bridge. Having never gone under it, I was wondering if it's tall enough for Otter, tide permitting unsure.gif


Any tips gratefully received.




I could get Phaeton under it most tides/times by lowereing the VHF ariel before I added the raised Radar.......... mad.gif


Can't see Otter being a problem


Thank you Duncan,


I could get Phaeton under it most tides/times by lowering the VHF Arial before I added the raised Radar.......... 



Confucius he say..............

Better having to wait for bridge to go up......... sad.gif






than microwave brains before lunch......... blink.gif






The bridge is not so much of a prob going out Trevor, it's the coming back that is the problem. We come back mostly at week ends and often between the 5.30 pm and 7.30pm time of day. If I have forgotten to time it to avoid the bridge opening time we are faced with a phalanx of WAFI's and neuvaux rich pratts in bl00dy great plastic cruisers rotating round waiting for the opening of the bridge. Inevitably when it does open the larger (downtide) bunch of boats get the red light allowing the uptide lot to come through first. However this is not realised by some twits who blast forward against the red light and oncoming boats honking furiously.

Then when the green light does eventualy come on there is a 'Grand National' style charge to be the first through and strangely enough it is always the slowest boat that is first through (I haven't figured out why this happens yet?). Anyway this boat goes through the bridge very slowly causing a huge bottleneck crush and then continues to turn hard port towards the wood yard. At precisely the right moment to cause tha maximum confusion and mayhem this boat then swings hard round Starboard, broadside to all the traffic still barging it's way through the bridge and proceeds to fit into a nose on mooring on the West Quay road side!


The best advice is modify what you can to be swing downable or removeable and be sure you do not have to wait for the bridge to open. smile.gif


Mad Mike


Thanks chaps


I have flip down gadget mast and arial so there's not much else to do there.


'spose I just need to get out there and see what's what.


Any comments on Cobb's?



Thanks chaps


I have flip down gadget mast and arial so there's not much else to do there.


'spose I just need to get out there and see what's what.


Any comments on Cobb's?



Without a shadow of a doubt the best slip in Poole with all the amenities as well. Water at all states of tide easy parking etc etc.


IMO worth the

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