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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Sneaked a trip out this afternoon on my work colleague's boat Westray.


Out of Emsworth and met by a flat calm harbour and headed out to Steve's "hot spot" somewhere near Utopia.


Anchored down and rods out. 1/2 hour later smoothie is on. I forgot how well they fight, boated the fish and returned a nicely marked starry smoothhound.


It then went quiet, so decided to feather up some mackeral ( good decision as it turned out ). Got 3 strings full and whilst going for more another smoothhound bite.


Decided to switch baits on one of the rods and try for a tope. So wire trace clipped on ( thanks to Steve ) and mackeral turned into a flapper, reel on freespool + ratchet and in the rod rest.


Called PJ back to let him know we were into fish and whilst on phone rod starts having line taken off. Let the fish take some line and then I hit it. Nothing - too early.


Dropped mackeral back and 5 mins later had another run. This time I let the fish run for what seemed an age and then hit the fish. This time the fish was on ( first decent fish on my Solid C rod ) - it took off like an express train and then the line went slack, so reeled in as fast as I could and eventually felt the fish again ( Amazing the speed they swim towards you at ).


Fish then went around all 3 other rods which were still out, cutting the line on two of them ( lucky me ! ). After what seemed an eternity this huge shape appeared and Steve grabbed the tail. Tope landed.


No scales but estimated at 30 lb.






Steve also had a similar sized fish which I couldn't reach the tail and besides I am not sure I would have been able to lift in ( It looked as big of not bigger than the one I had ).


I then lost a tope by the boat as we were in somewhat of a hurry due to a huge tanker steaming at us ( this was not going to stop and Valkyrie fishing nearby also had to move out its way ).


Weather was roughing up a bit by now ( I was so into the fishing I didnt even notice ) so we moved back inshore.


Great day, great fishing and we must have a trailaway over that way ASAP !



Well done Paul!


Nice fish and nice pictures.


I have heard Utopia mentioned a few times. Could you let me know roughly where it is and I'll do the rest on my plotter?





PM if you'd prefer


nice fish and pictures Paul


waht you need is a decent net rolleyes.gif having finally put mine together I have to say it made netting a decent turbot a bit like getting a small bream in my previous one!

nice fish and pictures Paul


waht you need is a decent net rolleyes.gif having finally put mine together I have to say it made netting a decent turbot a bit like getting a small bream in my previous one!

Did you not use the one I got for you from the states then? huh.gif






That's one of the places that gets called utopia ph34r.gif


That particular one also gets called the tope hole, as distinct from the tope grounds which are yet another area that gets called, you guessed it, utopia! laugh.gif


The place that's currently catching is none of those but it isn't far off and not exactly hard to find as you can see the fleet on it from two miles away. Even I can find a mark like that tongue.gif




excellent paul nice fish cant wait until after my exams when i can try and catch one again and maybe get another rod.


excellent fish and photo




Excellent Fish Paul, lets hope we can all get into some quality Tope this summer.


The general marks chart posted above for the East of the I.O.W, triggered my memory. Im sure Ive seen one similar for Poole bay in Sea Angler magazine (when it was good!), but have searched through my years of mags and can only find similar articles for the Solent and West of Anvil Point. Has anyone else ever seen this addition of Sea Angler Magazine? If so any info on the addition would be most grateful.


I would really appreciate sight of the one for the west of the Anvil - can't find it in any of my Sea or Boat angler????????? please?


Re Poole Bay I haven't seen one, and whilst we started on one on here it never really took off..........tiem to revisit?

Re Poole Bay I haven't seen one, and whilst we started on one on here it never really took off..........tiem to revisit?



Thats because nobody gave us the info to load onto it. If the information is forthcoming it (the map) can be updated. Even then it's only availble for viewing by club members





How would you want the info (marks/general areas) I would be willing to add a few,its just getting them on to the map. Would it be possible to down load the map to add to it ? ( most of mine would be christchrch ledge area)






After searching through endless mags I finally found the one. Unfortunately not sure it was worth the effort, not quite as exciting as I remembered. For a start it doesnt cover anvil point, instead it has from Warborrow Bay to Portland, it also hasnt really got any thing exciting on it! sorry to misinformed you. You are more than welcome to it though, hows best to show you, email?


Whilst looking I also found a slight variation on the one above and also one which covers more north of the I.O.W, from Cowes to just East of Ryde Sand, dont know if these would interest anyone


Cheers Rob


Duncan I would have thought that your Huss gulley would be a good start


any Deep water over 40 mtrs

about 2 miles out from the lighthouse gives you a great chance



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