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Hello everybody


I have enjoyed this most excellent site for the past couple of months, so decided it was time to register. My name is Rob and I am 24 yrs old.I have lived in Poole all my life and have fished for as long as I can remember mainly shore, however I bought my own boat a year ago now, a Antares Beneteau 650, which I might add is an excellent boat. As of yet there has been no impressive catches, due to me not really knowing exact marks but I will keep trying.


look forward to chatting to everyone in the near future.




Welcome aboard Rob and can I fully recommend joining the club to you. It will help to improve your catches dramatically ( well it did mine ! ).


Seriously, it is the best way to pick up tips and learn how to make your boating safer etc. etc.





Hi Rob


Welcome to the site biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Most of us are "mad" as it helps a bit if you join in the conversations/topics, however some are just "crazy"! laugh.giflaugh.gif




biggrin.gif welcome aboard rob

only take notice of the good info laugh.gif

bill s

It's finding out which the good stuff is that makes it fun.



Fr'instance I think we went onto 5 pages of discussion on the correct way to anchor and nearly ended up with baiting needles at dawn! laugh.gif


So for crissake don't ask realy difficult questions like 'what colour line should one use on a wet November day with the wind in the north east'. The arguments could last 'till Christmas!! biggrin.gif


Mad Mike

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