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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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This shows exactly what I was talking about some months ago when the argument about cod and other round fish quotas came up.

The quota method based on the tonnage LANDED is utter madness. Any quota should be based on total tonnage caught even if it means spot checks and/or on board observers. The cod end of the average north sea trawl might contain 2cwt of round fish PLUS another 3 or 4cwt of what is euphemisticly called 'by catch'. These are undersized fish, fish of a species that has already reached it's quota, prey fish and fingerlings. All of which are shoveled back into the sea DEAD!

The act of trawling kills all the fish, they are swept into the cod end and the water pressure of the moving trawl stops them breathing.


Fish quotas and the way they are used are sheer madness. What is needed is a 5year rotating moratorium on all mechanical methods of fishing in selected breeding areas. Exactly as the traditional farmer would rotate the crops he sowed on his land.


Mad Mike


Smaller net, larger mesh size to give fish a fighting chance.


However, I bet my arse that nothing will be done as the French and Spanish (not to forget the British, but no one listen to us anyway) fishing fleet will will cost their government hasn't the backbone to face them.

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