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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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mad.gifmad.gif Took Sammy spinning for thin lips tonight. Let him use a rod that I have just built from three old ones. We went down to the boat and fished from the pontoon. Third cast he landed a 1.38 kilo fish. Would you believe it, never caught a thin lip as I have only fished for them twice before. Rod behaved lovely though. One major problem that regular spinners might help with, because we dont use any lead on the line we had serious twist problems. It got so bad I had to strip 30 mtrs off and retie spinner. Would an anti kink vane help? PS Does the pontoon count as boat caught? It does in WAS but not sure about PBSBAC. Regards, BB,s sick.gif

Way to go Sammy!!! Show the old man the way!! Billy, what type of spinner are you using?? For thin lips, I have used a size two Mepps, tied to 8lb mono mainline, but I also bang a tiny swivel about three foot from the spinner. This seems to keep down line tangle.


See you Sunday PM for a crack at these herring shoals.



tongue.giftongue.gif Hes not that desperate for a record, just a point of interest thats all. Newboy, are you sure it must be a club boat? What happens if you are out with a non-member and catch a decent fish? BB huh.gif

I asked this question last year Billy, as I have been invited out on my uncles Jeanneau chasing stingers this summer, and the answer came back that it didnt have to be a club boat. BUT, I always thought that the fish had to be caught by a club member on a club registered boat.............Bob F...can you shed light please.





I think the official answer is that as long as it's a private boat then it's ok, or if a chartered boat, then as long as it's a freebie and not pay for it will count too.



I will ask Charlie to Verify this but I think you will find that a fish caught on any private boat by a member in club waters it will count for club records. If a member catches a fish on a charter boat then it definately does not count unles the charter boat is taking out a private group of non paying anglers, that means not one angler on the boat will pay for the trip it will be then classed as a private trip and fish caught will count.




To add to the original spinning thread, we generally use a metal flounder spoon, with a 4" trace (about 15lb, to reduce tangles), a tiny hook, and an inch or so of ragworm to tempt the thin-lips (and goldens). We put a normal swivel about 2 feet up from the spoon to prevent the kinks.


Using our light bream gear we can flick this out 20-30 yards from the boat, with no additional weights needed. A slow, steady retrieve is best.


Only tried it twice this year, but have had 3 mullet to 2.25 lb so far.




adding to Mike's post I make up a fixed pennel with a couple of fine aberdeen size 6s with this rig.


As much as anything it allows me to thread the worm section up the lower hook and get a firm hold in it's head with the top one - survives casting better and hooks up well on the 'nibbles' from the mullet. Agree 1" of worm seems the optimum - but I don't know why!


duncan, ive used the pennel style on my size two mepps, but fished with gordon one evening and watched him on just a treble, and that outfished my set up, so I now have two mepps of each colour, red blade, yellow blade, and orange blade, silver and coper, to see which they prefer on the day, it appears orange fishes best all the time, interestingly, with a smal treble taking hook ups on the one inch of rag.







Have used the flouder spoon successfully in both Holes Bay at Poole and in Christchurch. Had a few fish in other parts of Poole and the Solent, but in some areas it is much less successful - like most mullet techniques, its value can be localised.


In West Country rivers and creeks, it's almost impossible to get a "follow", never mind a hook up.


Like the "pennel" idea - might give it a go. A tiny treble also works.




Years ago , when I went mullet fishing further up the harbour [ Christchurch ], I had loads using a Mepps [ size 1 or 2 ] with the treble loaded up with maggots, no weights or other tackle.



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