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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Paul & I decided to do a bit of pleasure fishing off the ledge rather than all the hastle of the comp. Set off about 8.30 from Wick and the weather was fantastic, the sea was like a mill pond and our secret bream mark was also the secret mark for another 25+ boats. After a small domestic over the benefits of precision anchoring we settled on a patch between several boats about the size of a snooker table. It proved to be hard going. Only squeaking out a few Wrasse. Many boats decided not to wait for the turn of the tide even one or two of the charters.

The minute the boat came round on the ebb we started getting bites. Paul & I getting about 4 each (Paul seem to have the edge on quality although the best fish went to me of just over 2lb. As the tide built up so the bites died away.

A steady cruise back behind Adam & Rachel and we left them with Paul J trying to tempt the mullet or bass.


We are glad we persevered. Thanks for a good day out Paul. The hand reared, GM free, corn fed, free range bacon in cheap white rolls were great. biggrin.gif





Manatee not a million miles from Paul and Gordon, identical story, no bream until the tide turned then then steady bream for the first hour of the ebb before tailing right off.




Glad you caught Les, we noticed how many boats had disappeared before the fishing started, perseverence being the key.


Must get some better rolls for the GM free, , corn fed, free range bacon next time ( but it was very good stuff - thanks to Christchurch Food Festival ! ).


I actually caught my best bream on my 20-50lb Solid-C rod and it put a great bend in it. These rods really are amazing - you get a good fight with a bream one day and can then land a large tope the next.




Hi all


I too launched at Wick and meet Paul and others there.


We were one of the boats that left early and headed to Xray but it was equally quite apart from a doggie and mackeral. sad.gif


It was some car park on the ledge and from what I could see it was a similar situation on Southborne Rough!


So we headed in towards Hegisbury for some macky which we duly picked up ready for the freezer and also had loads of small pollock, which all went back. smile.gif


The wind started to get up towards at about 1 ish and with wind against tide it was a little bumpy so headed towards Highclife for 1/2hr before calling it a day.


No bream for us but a great day to be out on the water.





I commented to PD that when Jimbo and I started fishing this mark 4 years ago that we seldon saw many other boat on there! How different on Sunday - I couldnt even find a spot to drop anchor!


With all that commotion I decided to play my other secret card and try another mark I had, but not fished for a few years.


It worked all right and proved to be a good plan instead of being a sheep.


Rach and I caught Bream, Pout, Wrasse and pollock steadily throughout the 3 hours we fished before the dreaded 'mal de mar' took hold of rach. We spent the afternoon bashing schoolies on spinners in the harbour.


Surprize of the afternoon was 2 bull huss taken on bream tackle - the best went juts over 5lb!




Saw both the bream fleets out on Sunday, but I was diving close in off Southbourne. Anyway, I had to provide boat cover for 1/2 hour and as there was a Woolworth's telescopic rod and some mackerel feathers on my mates boat I thought I'd give it a go. First drop and into mackerel immediately and proceeded to haul up a box full, then it went quiet for 5 minutes and bang! Thought I had a string of mackies on but it turned out to be a bass around 3lb which came as a surprise. Then while my mate was getting out of his wet suit, would you believe it another bass hit, this time about 1-1/2lb. While I was down Pete had also caught mackerel and a big garfish and all this action was feathering on the bottom with a

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