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Well its Wed morning and the trees are licking their roots and thats windy in my books but ive promised myself to go fishing.Im not leaving till 1-30 pm so it's got a bit of time to drop of but hey it's SW and it just don't matter as long as i can get there and chuck the lump in .

Well it's 1-00pm and it's chucking it down as though its trying to put the so called drought to right in one day with the wind driving it in the groung like javlins "NICE" i thought but its time to go, so i let the ropes go and look like one of those novices trying to moor up except i was trying to let go, bloody wind i must be "mad". rolleyes.gif

Well the usual stuff wind, rain, gale of wind and on my lonesome again must look into this friend thing would be helpfull sometimes .Well i fished from 2-00 till 6-30 for the total of 43 loverly bream in the 2lb-3lb bracket but none of the little gits gave me the nod on who had my bloody sunglasses so im going to have to return poss thursday and squeeze it out of one of the little beggars.

So to sum up windy wet plenty of fish but no sunglasses i bet one of those buggers looks right cool wearing them ,i never did so should i keep searching or not??? wink.gif



oh forgot to mention i did have a slight conversation with a gannet for about 20 mins but he got a bit snappy so i had to release him .Poor sod got caught up in my line so i thought id better bring him on board and free him up but after 20 mins it was like talking to the wife just kept noding when i said some thing so back he went i've allready got one like that biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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