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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What are peeps thinking of doing for next weekend then? Forecast is for light northerlies and sun! biggrin.gifcool.gifcool.gif


I'm thinking 1.) All nigher somewhere 2.) Ripps?


Where are the others thinking of?


Im planning to get as many brownie points as i can so i can spend them all next weekend.


Not sure how much i can fish yet - a fair chunk id guess


not sure where yet



Posted (edited)



Never mind next week - the tip is open now, so get down there smile.gifsmile.gif


PS: I am still hunting for crew for the Saturday and Sunday of the 48Hr Comp.


Edited by Paul D

The missus is taking the kids to her folks in Scotland, so can't get away from the shop. but she fly back on Sunday, so Paul, if you can't find crew I will be able to crew on Sunday.


Lardy and I will be venturing out, at some point over the weekend. I'm know I'm not the weather guru, but the barometer doesnt look set fair for a trip that far offshore Adam, so possibly plan B will come into force.


Maybe one day out of Weymouth, and another out of Poole, I'm fishing with Wedger tomorrow on Tango Bravo, hopefully on a Bass trip, but we'll wait and see. I still think a fair crack at 100% is the fish stated on another thread, so I'll be hedging bets there. !00% stingers are'nt showing yet, so we won't be venturing into the Solent, especially with the huge floats of early weed drifting up and down!!!!


I reckon that members are waiting to see who says where they are going first, before posting, so my necks on the block already!!!! Tight lines to all competitors anyhow........and watch out for Dan Dan, the Bullhuss man!! wink.gif




Posted (edited)

but the barometer doesnt look set fair ????????


Weather Forecast in Poole for Saturday 3 June


Location Information

Location : Poole Lat : 50.74N Lon : 1.967W ASL : 18m Sunrise : 4:58 BST Sunset : 21:12 BST







Day Time Temp FeelsLike UV Index Rain Cloud Dir Speed Weather

Sat 0:00 10

Edited by Afishionado
Posted (edited)



I would normally be at this comp but it clashes with another I attend which has been on the books for a year. weep.gif

We will be fishing the East of IOW on a species comp but mainly targeting Bream, Smoothounds & Tope. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Two days of good company, laughs and the odd sherbert as I am staying in a pub over the week-end. sick.gifsick.gif


Good luck to those entering the club's comp.




Edited by Codfather

I'm drawing up my battle plan cool.gif I booked it off work so Ive got a pass for Friday Saturday and Sunday biggrin.gif


Rich don't know what weather site your looking at but it looks the dogs b@*$!%@'s for Friday through to Monday biggrin.gif


I'm out of Christchurch Friday, I didn't fancy the ripps this year so I'm going for an all nighter for big undulates and conger cool.gifbiggrin.gif


Tight lines everyone





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