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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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"Aquafresh" left the mooring at 6.00am, Rob Thompson (Electric Blue) at the helm and both Rup and myself as crew. The plan was to get out on the rips and see if the cod are there yet. We also intended to look at a bank 18 miles from the needles that we had passed over on the way to Alderney 2 years ago but still hadn't been back to, which we all reckoned looked good for a turbot or 2.


Conditions were perfect as we headed out from Mudeford adn we're soon eating up the miles at 30mph. We arrive on our first mark of the day in an hour and twenty minutes and the shads are lowered to the bottom as we fish out the remainder of the ebb. 3 drifts and absolutely nothing!! Our drift speed has dropped below 1mph and its time to move.


The bank is some 5 miles distant and we want to fish the remaining ebb and then move to the pinnacle as soon as the tide starts to push us the other way. On goes the long hooklink and thin mackerel strip. The bank is surrounded by 65m of water and rises to 53m. First drift produces nothing, second drift I get a bite just as my bait hits the top of the bank, feed it line and bingo, I,m in biggrin.gif A turbot of 3.5lbs. Handshakes all round and back up for another drift. Same spot again and I get another bite, 5 minutes later and a 4lb brill is in the net. Rob misses a bite and the tide starts to flood and we need to move to the pinnacle and see if those cod are here.


Shads back on and first drift and I have a cod about 6lb. things look good. More boats arrive and soon there are 10 boats on the same drift. 8 drifts later and its still just the one cod and a pollack about 7lb that took Rupes twintail on the retrieve.


A move of 10 miles will put us on some ground that we did well on 2 years ago, so off we go again. This mark allows a drift of about 1.5-2 miles, so its nice easy fishing. Within 5 minutes of starting Rupe's in, we're in 70m of water so there's plenty of time, he gets his halfway up and I have one hang itself and its a double header!!! Rob reaches for the net and his rod bends over so now its a triple header!!! 3 cod between 6 and 10lb. Further down the drift and me and Rupe are in again and another 2 cod are in the coolbox. Rob loses one at the end of the drift and we motor up for another. We didn't repeat the success of the first drift but when we decide to call it a day we have 9 cod between 6 and 12lb, Rupe had 4 including the biggest, I had four and Rob had one cod and a pollack. He would of caught more but spent most of his time in the wheelhouse just soaking up the atmosphere (he's missed it, bless him) and eating Rupes food but most pleasing of all was the turbot and brill from the bank we had never fished before biggrin.gif


A great day in great company and great weather.






nice report and nice fish i was down the beach watching all the charter boys coming back in wishing i was out there amongst it all weep.gif




Great result on the bot and brill. There's nothing like the feeling of "I told ya there'd be fish" biggrin.gif


I bet Rob is bored stiff now Electric Blue is sold. Tell him Ken say hi.


Nice one Al. The conditions were A1. We were in two minds whether to have a look offshore or not.


Fingers crossed next weekend will be OK - we'll give it a bash then.


Good to see a few summer cod around!

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