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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well we arranged to meet at "Aquafresh" at 3.00 pm to refuel so that we were ready for the weekend. Rupert rang 10 minutes later and suggested we take the bass rods with us and nip out for a couple of hours and see if the bass are here in any numbers yet.

By the time we filled her with diesel, we left the mooring at 3.30 with Rupe at the helm and me and Rupes mate Adam as crew and headed out of the run and over to the end of the ledge to snare some live bait. Not as easy as we expected and it took a good hour to put 20 mackerel in the tank. "Lets go fishing!"

We're drifting in 18m of water with the hot spot at 10m and fishing live mackerel on 20lb braid on barbel rods. The first drift produces what I think is a take but could just have been the bottom. Rupe sets the boat up for the next drift and just as we pass the hotspot Adams rod bends like he's stuck in the bottom but Rupe points out that being stuck in the bottom dont make your rod tip buck like that!! 5 minutes later and the first purpose caught bass of the year is in the boat at around 4lb. Slaps on backs all round and we're buzzing biggrin.gif

A couple of drifts later and I get one in the same place. 5lb, ace!! A fruitless drift and Rupe taks us a bit further to the east on the same mark and sets us up to go over an 8m ledge. As we reach the feature I feel a bite, give it 6ft of line and tighten into another one. It feels like a small one at first and I get it halfway back to the boat when it wakes up and screams off taking more than 20 yards of line (more than a bass has ever taken off me before), it turns and I'm gettting it back slowly by applying as much pressure as my Fox 1.75lb Barbel rod will allow and the bass just swims straight past the boat on the starboard side and heads uptide taking line. It then goes under the boat and I have to dip the rod and pass it round the transom and back up on the port side. No more drama and 2 minutes later and Rupe sweeps it up in the net. What a fish biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

The Steady scales settle at 12-12 and a new pb by 4 oz!!!!

Handshakes this time and back up for some more a couple of drifts later and I have another of 4lb before we decide to head for home at 8.15 after our first successful bass trip of the year.

Thanks to Rupe for his expertise at the helm and Adam for his great company. Cant really think of a better way to spend a couple of hours on a tuesday evening. Tied her up and home at 9.00pm



It was Mr Roche, he actually spoke to you on the phone about the fuel data thing just as we started fishing,


That's it Allan!!!!



If you speak to him before me, tell him his boat has gone up 20% for being out, catching fish and enjoying himself when I am stuck in an office! mad.gif






Lovely Bass ( must get out after them ) and if that had been caught during the 48 hrs would have beaten my bream, so glad you waited smile.gif


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