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Could you please explain the rod class (20 to 30 lb) i have just started sea fishing from course fishing an find some of the lingo a bit odd.




Rods are funny things.


Rod class is a rough indication of the breaking strain of line suggested for use with that rod.


It is calculated by mulitplying the test curve of the rod by 5. The test curve is the amount of pressure it takes to pull a rod into a full fighting curve of 90 degrees.


Therfore a 12lb class rod has a test curve of 2.4lb.

20lb class has a test curve of 4lb and so on.


Rods that give a mulitple class (eg: 20lb to 30lb) will generally have a softer tip section which will bend in to a light test curve and then a beefy bottom section for when the power is really loaded on.


The class of a rod bares little relationship to the size of the fish you can catch. It is more a case of how much lead you can comfortably fish with.

I use a very rough (Tom formula here) guide:

6lb to 12lb class up to 10oz

12lb class up to 3/4lb

20lb class up to 1 1/4lb

30lb class for 2lb


In open water where you are catching pelagic species and tide and lead weights aren't a factor anglers tend to use a calculation of 10 times the line class as an indication of the size fish you can catch on a rod.

30lb class for fish to 300lb. This is only an approximate guide. Some people wuld struggle with a Marlin or Tuna of 300lb on 30lb class others would handle far bigger quarry.


Does that help blink.gif


Tom unsure.gif


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