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Hi All,


First report I've posted on the forum. Markee B and myself begrudgingly took the day off work yestersday for a few hours aboard Espadon. We headed west with a plan to target rays and tope. Mackies were illusive although we did manage enough for the day. Halfway acroos Swanage bay Markee B has GPS issues and we are fishing blind sad.gif . We decide to head for the general direction of the Whitehouse Grounds, drop the hook into a fast flowing tide. Doggies were in force from the off, and Mark dropped a good fish early on. As the tide slackened slightly, I had a thumping bite, the fish had clearly hooked itself first hit, It felt good initially, mid water seemed to settle down, thought it was a small tope until it hit the surface and I saw the enormous mouth of a good bass, gave the fish some line and it shot off like a steam train, scrapping well until Mark netted her, beauty.


It weighed 8.5lb on Marks dodgey scales wink.gif , took it to Poole Sea Angling where Andy weighed it at 7.5lb, still my PB and a stunning fish, dead chuffed, thanks Mark.


It is now our secret Bass mark, so secret even we don't know where it is due to lack of GPS biggrin.gif





Well done, nice fish.


I would thank the guys that sold the dodgy electronics to Mark.

If it hadn't been for them you would have steemed straight past the fish!


On a serious note, I still can't believe the damn GPS is playing up, I thought the unit had been swapped out completely!




Thanks fellas, still smiling this morning!!!


Tom, GPS was fine until we were just off Peveril when it froze, but I'm sure Mark will tell you all about it. And your right, would of missed the fish if we'd of headed for our original mark.


Kaptain Kod, great tip!!! Like it wink.gif




Cracking Bass Scott - was that a live mackerel bait you were fishing or strips? Guess from the doggies comment it was strips but usefull to know.............


To find the mark again just do what you did last time - ie you must have decided to sling the hook at that spot for a reason...........??? rolleyes.gif


Actually our thanks should go to Mad Mike for giving the visual method of getting to the Whitehouse Grounds...lined up Peverill Buoy with End of Swanage pier, and kept on going until the sea was a little less distorted. With the tide as it was yesterday it was super lumpy off Pev.Ledge yesterday.


We motored around using the sonar to try and find some interesting lumps and some deepish water...evenutally settled on something near what looked like some rocks in about 28 metres and got lucky with it....would have been nice to have the GPS working so I could have got the waypoint but it seems my boat has an evil curse on it - think the witchdoctors at Southern will be able to lift the curse, lets hope sooner rather than later.


Had a couple of other interesting hook ups while we were out there - one apiece to Scott and I - where the line went solid on the retrieve, as though it were snagged - but then the rock started moving upstream. Would have put it down to dragging the anchor, though I'm sure we weren't and this only happened twice about 45 mins apart from each other. There was no half eaten dogfish on the end of mine unfortunately but it did get me quite excited for a w hile....any thoughts ?


Nice fish mate biggrin.gif

Cracking Bass Scott - was that a live mackerel bait you were fishing or strips? Guess from the doggies comment it was strips but usefull to know.............


To find the mark again just do what you did last time - ie you must have decided to sling the hook at that spot for a reason...........??? rolleyes.gif

It must have been Markee B's expert intuition Duncan, was very much suck it and see when we dropped the hook, we were fishing 1.5lb of lead at the time, which was a shame, by the time the tide started ebbing hard it became pretty much unfishable, we were using half of a side of fish on a 4/0.


Like Mark said, thanks to Mad Mike we were able to find the grounds visually without to much problem, good job as we didn't have many choices!!!


Was great to get a good fish over the gunnels of Espadon, we've put in some fruitless hours over the past few weeks all bar some good bream, and its great when it all comes together. Its quite a learning curve, but as you can see Markee B's doing good, and my anchor monkey skills are building.


Heres to loads more lunkers wink.gif




Well done both,always nice to read success stories...Kaptain Kod advises a small cross on the side of the boat to re-find your location,I must point out that this is useless.................unless you make a corresponding cross on the water at the boatside.. Hope this proves usefull..jack

Well done both,always nice to read success stories...Kaptain Kod advises a small cross on the side of the boat to re-find your location,I must point out that this is useless.................unless you make a corresponding cross on the water at the boatside.. Hope this proves usefull..jack

Nice one Jack, waterproof paint presumably???? wink.gif




Great fish well done


I recieved your report thanks


I have found crosses hard to read on the side of the boat


Much better to set a shore transit from something easily visable like a parked car with some thing closer like another anchored boat or a friendly gull. wink.gif












seriously there are big eels and undulates on that ground so your slow moving solid fish was likely to be one of those.





Charlie biggrin.gif


Sounds a great day out! Tried there on Sunday, but with the big Spring ebb decided to drift it instead. Managed to stay in touch with the bottom (just), but not even a pollack to show for several drifts !


Shows anchoring with big baits (and weights) wins again!



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