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Persuaded Helen to go out for the bass today. Set off before low water to be able to fish the flood tide.

Steamed to the mark and grabbed some joeys ( managed to catch a mackeral which was all of 2 inches long ).


Got into a nice bass of 5lb 8oz and decided to return it as sure we would catchmore and didn't want to keep the fish all day


Blue Warrior turned up to enjoy the fun ( apparently they were having trouble catching Joeys ).


Set up a few more drifts and dropped a couple of fish.


Helen then hooked into a what I thought was the bottom at first. This was a better fish though which had plenty of fight. 10 mins later and an 8lb 4 oz bass is onboard.

Few pics and the fish was returned. Yet another fish that beats my PB weep.gif


Continued catching fish throughout the afternoon and a pleasant steam back to the run but didnt quite get there before my fuel ran out. Switched to the spare tank which only had around 5 litres in it and plodded up the harbour. Only had around 1 litre left when we got back - phew !


Thanks again Al, I think I am getting the hang of this bass fishing now ( or at least my wife has smile.gif )



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