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Thought id share this with you - it made me laugh!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


' So I get back home from the Shambles last night - tired and weary - but before I go inside for a glass of wine - I must hose the salt water and grime of my new pride and joy.


Go and get the hose and proceed said duty. Outside done, flush the engine - now just the rag worm juice to get off the deck. So in I get hose and full blast. Now - the bench seats and lockers are also filthly so do I hose them down?? - 'they must be water tight I tell my self - their on a boat??' so I proceed to give the inside of the cabin a good hose down.


Finishing the job, I put down the hose when I hear this loud - SHHHHHHHHHHHHH noise. What the hell is that I think??? - Then out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of something moving --- my locker hatch!!! - Its opening all by itself!! ohmy.gif SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on goes the noise - then .....BANG! the locker hatch slams open and all my kit pops out!!!!!


The Bloody Lifejacket has been inflated by the water seeping through the locker!!!


For a second I was gutted - a new re-arm kit, then releved as it wasnt somehting more serious - then I burst out laughing!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif It needsed testing anyway!!


I leave you with one image! - The episode of Only Fools and Horses - where the dummies goes off in the back of the van - SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!




Reassuring that such a small amaount of water activates the system......and it works.........................I am a believer!!!!!!!!

Glad all went well Adam.....................jolly jealous I wasnt out there!!!!!


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