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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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While fuelling "Aquafresh" on friday evening for the planned trip on sunday, Rupert said the weather forecast for tomorrow looks good and we instantly made arrangements for a few hours, in the morning, on an inshore mark to see if the bass had turned up in any numbers on there yet.

7.15 saturday we're loaded and on our way. Myself and son Billy(20) and Rupert and his son Arran(10) make up the crew. First stop for mackerel, a mile in front of the lookout, and in 5 minutes we put 40 in the livebait well (NOT a Tek-Tank). We start the first drift at 7.55 and my float goes under right on the hotspot at 8.00, a couple of minutes later a bass of 3lb is in the net. A good start, and our first off this mark this year, but, an hour and a half later, despite Rupe's skill putting us over the mark time and again, there are no more bites forthcoming and we decide to have a couple of hours on "old faithful" before our proposed lunchtime finish.


The sea is the most glass like I have ever seen it and a short 15 minutes hop gets us there. First drift, Billy has one of 3lb and I have one of 3.5lb. Next drift Billy hooks a better one that comes towards the boat until alongside and then beats him up for another 3 or 4 minutes before Rupe is able to scoop it up in the net. When weighed at home 3 hours after capture it goes 7-15 so was probably an 8 when caught, never the less its a pb by a substancial margin, and he's happy as larry biggrin.gif The fish continue with at least 1 fish hooked every drift and just as the tide begins to ebb, 12.00, we head for home with 14 bass captured, 12 fish between 3 and 5lb, Arran had a nice one of 6.5lb and Billy's one of 7-15lb being the best of the excellent mornings family fish in.



We've been planning this trip for some months now and expectations are running high as we are loading the boat at 8.00am, myself, Rupert and Rob making up the crew. Over the preceding 4 years all 3 of us have all spent a lot of time, money and effort to try to find this bass "shangri la" that has been talked about in hushed tones for as long as we can remember. We know we've been close to it, but never on the money. Today we're going to put that right wink.gif

A quick stop off at the ledge for mackerel sees 40 captured and in the livebait well and a further hour and twenty minute steam puts us 34 miles from home and as far this way as we've ever been in our own boat. We intend to float fish it, to save on the horrendous tackle loses suffered the last time we came near here bottom bouncing, but with an average depth of 22m its also deeper than we've float fished before.

Half an hour of searching finds what we're looking for and we set up for the first drift, a minute later and Rupe's playing the first bass of the day!!!! You've never seen 3 happier men smiling at a 3lb bass biggrin.gif

The first drift takes about 30 minutes in the tide as it is and Rupes into a second bass just as we're about to start the engine to motor up tide again, a really hard fighting fish of 8-4lb. We vary the drift by 50 or 60 yards south every run through and see some huge balls of fish on the sounder, sheltering out of the tide behind the structure, but most seem disinclined to feed. We've been told that as the drift speed gets closer to 2mph the more fish will come on the feed.

As the tide quickens we start to get a few more bites resulting in fish of between 3lb and 6 lb that are fighting incredibly hard in the clear water and giving two of us a good old run for our money( Rob has been bottom bouncing and had one missed take) sad.gif ) As the tide reaches the correct speed, my floats there one second and gone the next and the rods nearly pulled out of my hands as a good fish takes 20 yards of line off me. She uses the tide to her advantage, taking me from one side of the boat to the other and back again before Rob slides the net under a lovely fish neatly hooked in the corner of the mouth. Pop the hook out, estimates of between 8.5lb and 9.5lb and back over the side with her. Damn, forgot to take photos dry.gif

The tide eventually dies and the bites with it sad.gif

We use slack water to motor up to "old faithful" so that Rob can try and catch his tea and save his reputation. An hour and a half later, he's a happy man with two 4lb bass in the coolbox for din-dins.

16 bass in total, giving us a boat total of 30 fish for the weekend, including 3 over 8lb..............marvelous biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif





Great trip Al,


We saw you on Sun morn not hanging around and watched until you were a spec on the horizon, thought you had somehting special up your sleeve and glad it paid off!


We also had a good morning, the fishing was electric until everyone got out of bed and scared the bass off - 3.30am was well worth getting up for!


I'm really impressed by the attidude shown by these guys........committed is a word that best sums Al and Rupe up. Cracking result over the two days, well done. Are you interested in joining in on the Bass sampling survey that some club members are doing guys........taking a scale sample from every third bass taken for stastical analysis by wedger and myself, results will be forwarded to cefas for inclusion the their data on bass growth across the entire British Isles, as requested by our minister for fisheries. Quick and simple to undertake, all that is needed are a set of forceps, a tape measure pencil and paper, we will do the rest. No marks, just either East or West south coast is required, and they dont have to be weighed, as a full length weight chart is available.


Please give it a thought lads.






Yes, mate, I think we would like to take part in the bass survey.. Seems like a worthwhile sort of thing having read the old threads from yourself and wedger. So at least one of us will try to make the next club meeting to tie in with yourselves for neccessary bags etc.




PS. thanks for the kind words wink.gif



excellent report guys just getting the hang of this bass fishing after catching loads of smaller ones out tomorrow with paul to try this float system so should be good fun




Hi RICH. I would like to take part in the Bass survey....Oh God how I would like to take part in the Bass survey....I suppose it goes without saying that you need to catch at least ONE Bass first ? dry.gif jack


No Jack, three Bass please, and I'd like a scale sample from the third, just to keep stats correct. wink.gif




PS.................We may include Jacks readings in the returns for 2008........we heard he takes a season to catch a Bass ph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gifrolleyes.gif


well after trying the float method i failed miserabley i think i had it set up right but couldn't get a bass will have to try again soon

and if anyone is going next week would love to catch a bass on the bridge aslong as my mum can drop me over.






I would imagine the tides next week not being much good for the bass. ( However, I am far from being an expert ! ).


However, I did recall PJ catching some last year when it was a neap tide and whilst fishing on a sandy flat bottom, so anything is possible.

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