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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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dry.gifdry.gif Took out Sam on Flamer Saturday, BIG MISTAKE. 8 species including 2 bull huss of 10lb and 11.5lb. One conger 10lb, bream, pout, mackerel, dogfish, pollack, and a starry smoothhound of 11.5 lb. Talk about the pupil sticking it up the teacher. BB sick.gif
Is Sam still a Member Billy

If so PM me the cath report for the book mate


Well done Sam, nice to teach the old Man how its done



Flamer is a charter boat so fish caught would not count towards species and monthly comps. Sorry Sam (little Billy)



wink.gifwink.gif Just a little point that I would like to have an administrator clear up for me. If a boat does commercial angling or charges for a trip, anglers are not allowed to weigh in fish. If this boat then takes out anglers as a private venture are fish allowed to be recorded? If that is the case then a non paying member on a chater boat should be allowed to record fish, would that be correct? BB cool.gif



Correct almost


So long as the boat takes no fares and guests are all fishing as non patrons and assuming the said boat is under 35' (club maximum size) then yes fish can be recorded for club records, fish of the month etc.


So if Sam was on Flamer which was full of none paying anglers ie: not on a charter then any fish he caught would be elligible for recording, and yours if you had any laugh.gif


I think that covers it all but am sure Charlie will be along at some point and put us both right tongue.gif


Forgot to say in my earlier post "WELL DONE SAM"



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