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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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A change of crew for me this time - Sam was to replace the resident onboard chef and anchor monkey, Gordon.


With me taking a 1/2 day, the plan was to get out earlyish and fish a bit of the ebb, but being in London all morning it seemed to take an age to get out to sea - pick sam up, come back for the boat, fuel and food, traffic, lanching, parking etc.....


We finally exited the Run at 4pm. A stiff NE was blowing, but our fears of a lumpy sea were put at rest as the land provided good protection and we buzzed out to the mark at 20 knots nice and smooth.


We had live eels today, so no need to bother catching joeys - we began our first drift immediatly - the only problem being the massive spring tide and the wind in the same direction - we maxed out at 5.5 knots on the drift!!!! After a few failed attempts, we scuttled off to another more sheltered mark for bacon rolls to wait for the flood tide.


We had trolled a good mile, without a hint of a take, and I had just remarked the same thing to Sam when off goes my rod - a reasonable fish, but some 100 yards downtide - I play him all the way to the boat before he spits the hook!! mad.gif


Back on the first mark, the flood is just starting and we have a few macky as well now. The first few drifts are a little slow, sub 1 knot - but as it builds the spikeys come on the feed! They all seemed a better stamp of fish tonight compared to recent weeks, with the average about 5lb. My first went 6.5lb, the others all circa 5lb. Sam hooked a couple of good-uns, he was now getting to grip with the method, but they both threw the hooks. I then hooked into a much better fish that hugged the bottom hard and fought well - when it surfaced I was pretty confident I had my 1st double of the season - a HUGE head and a belly to match complimented a big frame - on the scales in the waves it bounced between 9lb and 10.5lb, so we settled on the most steady weight at 9lb 8oz - still a result! biggrin.gif


Sam waited until the last drift before braking his duck - but he seemed to have got the knack, we will try again next week.


Finally, these fish all came on the lead - once again proving my theroy that it outfishes the float when done correctly - the guys in the boat next to us fished floats all eve without a fish - when they finally changed to the lead, they started to catch. Thats it - I've laid down the gauntlett to be proven wrong by Al and Rupe...and Im intreguied! rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifbiggrin.gif


All the fish bar one 5lber, went back to fight another day biggrin.gif


Edited by Adam F

thanks for a great day adam learned some new skills will have all my traces ready for next time.


i only had the one but even the small one that i had thought all the way, great fish and they were all in good condition


thanks again adam






Very nice fish. Can't quite tell where you caught that one from unsure.gif


We opted for a trip around Christchurch ledge as I was sure the sea would rough up nicely once the flood started. However, bad choice on two counts.

Fishing was very slow - PJ got our solitary bass and also dropped a couple of fish early on and the sea stayed flat as the wind dropped.


Still, nice evening to be out in good company and I put my lack of fish down to the after effect of having Gordon's hat in the car for a week biggrin.gif


Nice one Adam


Thanks for taking Sam out he really enjoyed it.


I am not sure I will get crew next season at this rate, the boys are really enjoying fishing without Dad, if they start catching as well there will be no stopping them wink.gif


Thanks tagain o all that have taken them out while I am occupied biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


hi charlie i had a single bass last night can you put it in the book please it was bounceing 5/6 and when at home 5lb 4 guess what the wifes haveing for dinner tonight shes well happy biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif .thanks


mark b


Having read all the recent comments about Bass fishing it is quite obvious what an emotive subject it is.Everyone could do with remembering that fishing is a hobby!My motivation for going fishing is to forget about work and spend quality time with friends trying to catch whatever the target species may be on any given day.On Aquafresh we view any successes as a team achievement and some of my most treasured memories are the looks of joy on the faces of friends and family as they pose for the trophy photo.From the look of some of the comments some people may have forgotten the fun part.On Aquafresh we have learnt how to catch Bass by trolling,pirk and feathers(catch hundreds like this if you really want to),dragging leads(live or deadbait)'floatfishing(live or deadbaits),bottom fishing at anchor(live or deadbaits)etc etc etc.All methods catch loads of fish we enjoy floatfishing in shallow water not because it is the best way to catch Bass all the time,but because it is fun.Dont bring competition into pleasure fishing all you end up with are losers,its one of the reasons i packed up coarse fishing.Good luck everyone fishing should be to you whatever you want it to be.


well said rupe i go fishing purely because i enjoy it and get great pleasure out of spending time with my family and friends and i love it when i help my friends catch fish and see them well pleased with a new pb


i do enjoy competitions but its not always winning i enjoy the get together afterwards reflecting on the good day afloat enjoying time away from troubles.


thats why i can't wait to get the boat finished and be out there every weekend breaking pb and having fun even if the fishings rubbish still better than working




Pleased to read your post Rupe. This is Andy's and my outlook to a " T ".We have NEVER caught dozens or lots or several good fish. We go out as many weekends as we can. we dont often catch anything,it costs us a bomb,We never even consider,never mind entering a competition {whats the point for us ] .And after every session,Rain ;shine wind or sun.on the way home we always say."that was a nice day out,I enjoyed that ! " And isn't THAT what its all about .! ! ... wink.gif jack


hey Rupe, i watched Go Fishing the other day, watching u chuck your rod after losing a good barbel is great viewing, fishing is so stress free...haha........


Well said, each to there own.....



On the other hand, having a catch report section on this forum can encourage the more sucsessful people to baost a little bit and maybe encourages a bit of healthy competition.


Dan,i have always thought that episode was worthy of critical acclaim,ha ha

I have always enjoyed reading the catch reports,it is nice to appreciate the successes of fellow club members.My point is that for competition to be healthy the less successful have to be magnanimous in defeat.I dont go fishing to catch more than others,i go because it lets me escape from the pressure of everyday life.Bass fishing is my favourite because they are the nearest to sport fish we have in this country and we can fish for them most of the time without layers of survival gear topped off with an uncomfortabe flotation suit.Roll on winter cod season not.


In fact, this summer I've caught more cod than in the winter on just one trip. Mind, that wouldn't be difficult; I haven't caught any winter cod for years and those were at home in Norfolk.



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