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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Fished Portland Harbour last night with Zzippy one of our choice venues for a 24 Species Hunt competition we were taking part in. Launched from Castletown and fished outside the south breakwater entrance in Balaclava Bay (?) from about middnight till 2.30am. We were soon into pout & poor cod and also picked up pollack close to the surface on float. A few pout went down as conger baits but alas no joy on that front. We hooked up to a large buoy down there which I think marks another wreck near HMS Hood. If thats the case it will explain why I lost a number of rigs.


After a stretch of legs on the shore we headed up to the middle (east) breakwater entrance) and fishing just outside there we caught dogfish & more pout and pollack. On the paddle up there a smelt jumped into the kayak so put I it back in as livebait - nothing touched it . When dawn came the mackeral and garfish came out to play - we had a number of mackeral on float (feathering would probably have produced a lot more if we wanted them). We didn't manage to bring any garfish in despite Zzippy having serval hookups.


A few hours into sunrise and we hooked up to pot buoys tucked in close to the east entrance. The wrasse had woken up and whilst the pout were still on the feed (loads there) cuckoo and ballan wrasse snatched out baits. We headed back in about 8am.




Good grief!! All night sat in kayak. I can't handle more that a couple hours without my legs going numb. sad.gif


I don't think I could handle an all night session in a Kayak.


My hats off to you fellas. wink.gifbiggrin.gif


And you caught fish, too!! smile.gif


ps - how did you keep yourselves visible at night?


We try to split the fishing sessions with shore breaks if we are fishing close inshore. We can shift positions sitting side on so that helps. Around the breakwater there is nowhere we can land (comfortably or legally) so we literally have to sit it out smile.gif The fish were biting none stop last night (albeit dogfish and small species) but did provide entertainment and we didn't notice the time pass.


For visibility we use navigation lights and headtorches. A fixed white light is all that is required. The kayaks fittings, paddle and clothing have reflective strips and we fish very close to one another.


The east water entrance seemed like a good place for boaters to feather for mackeral on their way to marks out of Weymouth.


Forgot to add that Zzippy had cuttlefish and squid attack his live bait last night in Balaclava Bay.


fishing for conger at night in the yak...........fair play..........Im not even brave enough to try at night for an eel of Gnasher yet..............(might try next week if weather is ok though)

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