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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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i know this mullet fishing dosnt interest all, but i just love it. It helps if u have a coarse fishing back ground as u are basically stalking them at very close range.


Anyway, 10ft Rubican Wand, real loaded with 2lb line and the usual 16 barbless hook and tiny pole float.


I text Paul D at 8.30ish to see if hes up for an hour, no answer there, so i grab the essentials and get to the wall at 8.45pm.


Then feed a handful of mashed bread 6ft from the bank in 12 inches of water and wait for the fire works.


5mins later and 10 fish are heads down, 10 or so holiday makers gather around to watch the feeding frenzy. 5mins later and a decent fish of about 4lb is on the bank.


5mins later and there back, miss another and spook the lot. Then a 10 yard chuck to a moored boat and another is on. A long fight and a much better fish is in the net. A real fat beast just as its getting dark. Not a pb, but the first proper fish this summer.


Weighed on the Salterns, net deducted and a reading of 7lb 70z. Im well happy.


About to take a pic and the camera runs out of batteries, so its a dodgy pic off the phone. An old man takes the pic and manages to miss off the tail. Never mind. An enjoyable 30mins fishing.


That makes it 3 sessions, each no longer than an hour and 6 mullet. These are getting easy.







Thanks James, when u see them in the water, they actually look alot smaller than they actually are. Its because they are full of mud and are probabbly the heviest fish for there size that i know. A big bass would look smaller as they dont have the same density. Considering there like lumps of lead, they certainly pull your arm off. Maybe get the boat out for one next time and get one in the book.


Great catch Dan, nice to see them in your woods.


Almost none showing at Rockley this year - amazing really. May be a result of all the dredging but you never know.


Oh damn, I would have been up for a trip after the mullet as well - teach me for leaving my phone in the car sad.gifsad.gif


Nice catch Dan and how did DommyBoy get on fishing on Sunday ( he was gone by the time we got back from the island )




Nice fish, good to see the Big Gay Bear in the thick og the action again wink.gif


I'm working lates all this week Dan, but would do an evening next week if you're going out, oh, must get some cotton for my reel!!!!!




I cant do any evenings next week either dry.gif two drivers have left and muggins here said I'll do their drives, as I want to go back to Florida for three weeks in september........just when the Tarpon move again rolleyes.gif




Def could do an evening. Are we talking Lymington ?


Only problem is my mullet rod is in two pieces now sad.gif

but could probably catch one on a solid-c !




2 piece rods for mullet......their the best ones Paul. Have you got a quiver tip rod or anything really light like that?


Thats what you need to catch loads of mullet!


Im sure if you ask Dan nicely he may have something you can use.


An evening next week it is then!





...it should be 1 piece! laugh.gif


Ill come along for a few hours - I have rods to lend if anyone needs one.


Personally I will be opting for a 12' spilced tip float rod with 2lb line and a Youngs Purist 'Pin....


Let me know when and where.

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