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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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a bit of gossip from alderney today a well known weymouth skipper and crewman were arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine they were bailed to appear in court later !!!!!!!


OH NO my source tells me that they were unaware of the cargo they were carrying but lets just say they will get plenty of peace if convicted


Fred, ive heard many stories about many naughty boys, and Ive spent far too long in Police circles to discount multiple sources if information. IMHO, these guys had it coming, as have any others who flaunt our regulations regarding the illegal landing of any items, be they drugs, contraband or fish. I'm sorry, but I'm not bent, and I feel that the majority of the population isnt, its the 5% who have criminal records who let themselves down, and a number of the remaining 95% of the population who insist on committing offences of one sort or another forget that people from all corners are watching, and the only thing on their side is time..........one thing that 25 years in enforcing the law taught me is that no one escapes justice all of the time. This post may sound harsh, but I'm sorry again, I cant stand villains, and they all eventually get caught.........ask Mr Noyce!!!!




Well with that opinion you paint a very bleak picture of the police force , so you think its ok to shoot people in a pannick in tube stations and accuse people like name deleted by admin and name deleted by admin of smuggling before they go to court . Try keeping an open mind it may have been someone like you taking it across on the boat who looks quite honest some times!. Crazy


Crazy, this isnt the place to discuss the ethics of surveillance, and the handing down of orders through the chain of command. I have been in such shoes during time in the mob...it isnt funny, it isnt pleasant, and these guys put their life on the line every working day, which isnt appreciated by the likes of you. So why pass comment??





Before some one blows a gasket here let's try a little logic.


First of all we are all entitled to our OPINION and the freedom to hold it and voice it.

Fred says ....accuse people like admin edit names deleted of smuggling before they go to court... Well that is how our justice system works we the people accuse somone via the D of PP, they are presumed innocent untill a jury delivers a verdict. However the whole process begins with an accusation.


Fred also says....... so you think its ok to shoot people in a pannick in tube stations....... Well in MY opinion YES, taking into account ALL the tragic circumstances surrounding the shooting. Nowhere in the world is there a perfect society. These are dangerous times and we are ALL at risk from the direct actions of terrorists and more importantly the peripheral situations that arise from a heightend state of alert and present danger. If the man had been a terrorist with a backpack of Semtex who had gone on to kill 50 or 60 people amongst whom one had a loved one I imagine one would have a very different view if the armed poilce officers excuse for not stopping him was "Well we weren't sure"


So why not take a step back from all the histrionics and let this argument die a natural death.


Mad Mike

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