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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The summary of survey responses is interesting..and good to see so many club member names as survey participants at the bottom




Well it's a small step forward and we shouldn't be too disappointed that the 45cm limit wasn't imposed,

On one hand it dosn't make sense to have a limit below the breeding size of 42cm but on the other if i had to replace all my fishing gear at once i'd be a bit pissed



  Newboy said:
Why would you need to replace your gear?


I thought the restriction is for landing/keeping, can't see how it relate to catching undersized fish.

Ifyou were a comemrcialfisherman and now needed to change your nets to try and minimise the number of small fish caught (and thrown back dead!).


poole fishermen will not have to replace their nets because of the mesh size allowed for catching mullet. Also i have heard that bass are going to be made a preesure stock and most of the qouta will go to the french as they have a large track record due to pair trawling so it could be possible that you get bass bans in this area from time to time nice thought!!!! ph34r.gif


the new size will be 40cm - still below the spawning size - but still good news as its a step forward.


for fixed nets the new mesh size will be 100mm (up from 90mm I think?).


begins in April 2007 and reviewed by 2010 to go to 45cms


Studies by CEFAS have shown that less than 10% of the stock go outside the 6 mile, and with warmer winters more and more fish are staying closer inshore (no need to go offshore to get higher temperatures during the winter). Also bass are very territorial going back each year to the same grounds, so any fish taken deplete the area stock for a long time.


At last, finally. RSA has managed to change an MLS through good sound arguments about the science and the economics. The defra summary of responses and RIA make very interesting reading as has been said.


Just think what could be done with more RSA support, speaking with one voice.


  TomBettle said:
  Newboy said:
Why would you need to replace your gear?


I thought the restriction is for landing/keeping, can't see how it relate to catching undersized fish.

Ifyou were a comemrcialfisherman and now needed to change your nets to try and minimise the number of small fish caught (and thrown back dead!).

But if I was a commercial fisherman, don't I have to up the net size once again @ 2010, which costing more money?


I think this is one of the reasons the Ministry decided to leave a three year gap between now and the next (proposed) increase...the life of the nets is such that they would probably need replacing after three years anyway (?). I also picked up the comment that the 105mm mesh net, which would be the one needed for fishing against a 45cm MLS, is not a size currently available off the shelf. Seems a pity to me as a single move up to a 45cm MLS makes a bunch of sense for all the reasons promoted by many stakeholders who input comments to the consultation. One crucial point is that those interested in promoting a 45cm MLS should be thinking about exerting pressure on the powers that be to make this decision at the start of 2010 and not the end! The lifetime of this gevernment may be up before the end of 2010.


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