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I don't believe it!! ohmy.gif


Stand by your beds, boys. The Treasurer is on-line. huh.gif


But don't panic, it'll take him a month to work out how to reply to a post. rolleyes.gif


I can just see him now, getting all frustrated about wanting to say something but not being able to...hee, hee, hee. laugh.gif


Bob F


Hi Bobthebuilder


Welcome to your clubs home on the net, it is self funding honest biggrin.gif


I have it on good authority that Bob actually managed to register himself with very little help from Wendy. Sso look out lads your jesting may backfire tongue.gif ........but I doubt it laugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif



Guest bobthebuilder

Well folks its me again - just read your little ditties on post-it. All I can say is I am glad I don't have to use a computer at work, or it would take me 25 yrs to build a house!!? No doubt I will eventually get computer literate (to some degree or another) and perhaps you will see me on here a little more often. Meanwhile I will keep watching for further remarks! (Hope this isn't costing me anything... Hee Hee Hee!)

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