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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Dean and I headed West in the club species comp. We had decided not to take it to seriously, as we wanted to have a go for some fish that pull back. Our plan was to anchor a bank as the tide eased and as it went away again. Got to the mark and boy I have never seen the tide going as quick so we gave up that idea and thought we would look for some marks to fish west of St Albans head. Well not knowing that area we carried on steaming and ended up on Lulworth Banks. Found a spot and anchored on the now ebbing tide. Bull Huss after Bull Huss interspersed with LSD


Nice report Martin, glad you both got home safely. Is that the first time the engine has splutterred?? I'd be pooing my pants in a tide such as that!!!! Good tally of fish for a not too serious comp!! Nice one.




While it may have been a good tide for rod bending it sounds like you had a selection of fish, so plese send me the score sheets


The coat that way is terrific, makes you appreciate what we have.


Sorry to hear about the engine, I am sure Tony will sort it for you.




Rich yep fisrt blip in 7 years of charging around. Tony reckons it could be a diaphram in the fuel pump but can't do it until next monday weep.gif


That means I will have to nurse Maverick along in this weeks comp. Hopefully all will be well but keep your ears open for a pan pan from me.




BTW charlie I will do score sheets this evening

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