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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Fished a few wrecks near Chesil Cove this morning with Zzippy.


Fishing was quiet with only a few mackeral, bream and bull huss making an appearance. Zzippy caught the bull huss which was good size (over 10lb).




Good for you guys,

Thats a nice Huss.


Liked the pics and video too biggrin.gif

Have you ever dunked the cameras? rolleyes.gif

I couldnt believe how calm it was on the Chesil. mad.gif


I like many others stayed inside Pooole Harbour today and drifted around Brownsea Island.


Not Only did I blank but I didn't get a single bite. sad.gifsad.gif


I was going to try Mad Mikes ro ro's but there must have been at least 4 differernt yacht races in the area....SCARY blink.gifblink.gifblink.gifblink.gif


Lots of boats fishing inside the harbour including the Charters .


Please say someone caught Something!! -----other than the big lumps of slipper limpet my circle hooks kept dragging in. weep.gifweep.gifweep.gif


If anyone can contradict the old saying when the winds in the east the fish bite least let them post now!!! with some catch reports for today.


Lets hope next weekend turns out better sick.gif




Hiya Maverick.Yes it was a bit Vicious and strong biggrin.gif I was trying my hardest to keep his head away from my fingers.lol

Paul D/Gaffa.The Camera that speciman uses is water proof down to 5 meters I think.I know he has taken underwater shots with it in the past.

I think our next trip will be in Poole Harbour later on in the week.Might try for some Flatties at Holton Heath Or Rockly(Weather permitting)

If not,it might be a trip on the Solent to see if Any early codling have made an appearance.



Now I'm on the very last item on the forum comp for the rod, I have time to post! Great article, very good fish, nice one lads.


When you consider how strong LSD's are, for their size, it follows that their ig brothers are equally as strong...........just think how that other snarly griblett shark would have struggled if you had boated that one one 'yak!! I still think that was a small Blue or similar, but who knows?? Well done, anyway, puts us big boaters, or bloaters, to shame!!



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