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tongue.gif What is your basic Bream rig in your area? We tend to use smallish hooks 2-4

to a 20lb fluorocarbon trace about two feet long. We fish this of a boom rig and tend to use attractors, beads etc. Bait is relevant to the area your fishing but squid is pretty good. The larger Bream don,t get to Weymouth until July-August but plenty of smaller stuff from about May. We tend not to use worm much as Wrasse are on the same ground and can be a pain. We also get quite a few nice Plaice in with the Bream at times. Is this pretty much the same your end? BB cool.gif


I just use a basic paternoster rig with a single trace of around 3 foot and smallish hook. Squid / ragworm / mackeral as bait. Squid seems to be particularily effective, although the one I caught yesterday was full of ragworm.







My bream rig usually consists of a 2 hook patternoster using small white plastic booms and traces of only 12". One hook is bare and the other has beads and sequins. Last year both hooks caught about the same amount of bream.


Hook size varies from size 4 upto 2/0 if I want to keep the smaller fish away (doesn't always help though, they're greedy buggers). Started using circle hooks for bream last year and they worked really well once I got used to not striking and just lifting into the fish instead.


Bait is strips of squid, but the biggest bream came to squid heads and tenticles.


Bob F.





I use Hokkies. The green and pink rubber squid type. I suppose the hooks are about a 2/4? I bait them with small thin squid strips. The method I fish them is to lower to the bottom, and gently 'bounce' the rig - the bream tend to be suckers for a moving bait.

tongue.gif Yes Bob, Squid heads are brilliant for the bigger fish, but they do tend to attract doggies and bull huss with the occasional strap thrown in. You are right Adam about the moving bait bit, excellant method. Paul, full of ragworm? Must have stole a few hookbaits eh!! Adam, I had a chat with Paul J yesterday about the long shanked circle hooks that you use, wouldn,t mind giving them a go. Do you have an Email address or site address for them mate? BB cool.gif

BB...When the tide is running, try using a general three hook paternoster type rig, snoods of about 12" like Bob says, I use a size 2 hook on the ledge, and use squid strips.

When slack water comes, I change to a two or three hook rig below the weight, again size 2 hooks.

Coupled with a decent load of groundbait, you should be bagging up, my best male last year went 4lb 4oz's, my PB.


A family friend slings over boiled long grain rice soaked in fish oils, loose fed like maggots, and he swears by it!! Never tried it meeself!!


Similar rigs were articled in a fishing mag this month, just for info







Mike is the guy - lovely chap. The hooks you need are long shank streamer hooks. All the advantages of circle's, ie improved hooking, and no deep hookers, plus you can thread a ragworm, instead of having to just nick it.


Variety seems the spice of life !! All these rigs catch the greedy bream..... my preference is simplicity...... light running ledger, 5-6 ft. of lighter line [ rotten bottom] and a couple of 1/0 Aberdeen hooks [ cheap, soft ones that will bend free] tied Pennel style...... and big fat rag for bait now and mackeral strip later in May.


I think it's more important to where the fish are......... close to the edge of steep rocky ledges, gulleys or other ' holding ' submarine features.


In slack tides, anchored up , ground - baiting will help ..... any thing edible / smelly !


Tight lines, Alun.


Fishing at anchor we use:- Running leger light a weight as possible, 6ft trace 12-15lb line as then you have a small knot if feeding bait (rag worm/peeler) up the hook(bead or no beads, if use beads and flashy stuff when bait been robbed and you reel in may hook into a mackerel or garfish or bream), size 1/0's (if using peeler can hook into smoothies if about) 3/0 if no small bait robbing bream about or targeting smoothies as well. If at anchor sometimes you have no bites but when move the bait you get a take straight afterwards!


main line to 3 way swivel - single 12" amnesia snood to fine wire size 2 - rotten bottom to pear lead (1,2 or 3oz). Vary the length of the weight link to find fish. Fished from a rod that would struggle to land anything of size!!!!

tongue.gif Thanks for the address Adam. Spoke to Mike yesterday at 3:30, ordered some hooks, arrived first post this morning. That is what I call service. Pretty Knowledgeable chap as well, we had quite a chat about hooks and fishing in general. Thanks again mate. BB cool.gif
tongue.giftongue.gif A lot of diversity in a simple thread lads. Doesn,t it just show what fishing is all about. A very personal thing with some tactics working for one and some for another. Don,t be scared to try something different, just follow instinct. Great isn,t it? Munterhunter (nice name) Good point about the option using attractors for scavvies on the retrieve, points are points. BB cool.gif

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