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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I gave up and went to bed because I had the Powerboat 2 the next day, plus my PC is in the spare room and we had my parents staying over!

Didn't help though, my brain was buzzing and to top it off my 2 year old son decided he ned to get in our bed at 03.30!


Well done Rich... weep.gif



You still have time Charlie as Rich is at work and he hasn't finished yet, that sneaky Paul has made the finish line really... shall we say... interesting with a little reverse psychology laugh.gif It'll take Rich a while to complete



ohmy.gifohmy.gif Rich aint at work, he,s at my house eating all my bacon and egg butties, finishing of my tea bags, nosying about in my fishing shed and pinching seafood out of my fridge whilst pretending to dig out my conifers. Only joking Rich, thanks for that mate, much appreciated. Good luck in the quiz and see you Friday. BB cool.gif

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