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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I don't now about you but i keep waking up in the night and the first thing that comes into my head is the clue to the comp i'm stuck on , i think i'm going mad blink.gif


That Paul Dore geezer has got a lot to answer for .




ps , is it too early for a beer ? sick.gif




I to have been here since stupid o'clock. Was going to go fishing but read the updated forecast and thought better of it....... Now on the trail sick.gif That Dore fellow has a lot to answer for smile9.gif


We love you really Paul biggrin.gif


Rich , i've tried typing " i hate paul dore , that's the first thing i think after a sleepless night , but it doesn't seem to work biggrin.gif


not really paul , you sadist . tongue.gif




You are kidding aren't you?!! That was an easy one!


I had such a restless night on Friday with my brain buzzing on that effing comp that I decided that I'd better avoid it for the rest of the weekend as I had visitors and needed to be fresh for the Powerboat 2! mad.gif


Has Rich put us out of our misery or is the comp still running?!


Glad I decided to side step this comp


by the sound of the posts a certain webmaster would be blamed for delayed work on the new vessel


Good luck to all that are in it


Charlie biggrin.gif

Posted (edited)

Anybody won yet. Are congratulations and a strait jacket going to be issued simultaneously. Unless it's Rich; who would know? laugh.gif



Edited by plaicemat

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