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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Started of friday evening fishing outer patch had 25 bream between 1 1/2- 2 1/2 lb and wrasse doggies pout and a huge scorpion fish


Saturday decided to shoot out further to get away from the traffic and invariably other people fishing so shot out to a gully on edge of whithouse grounds a nice 8lb blonde ray on first drop then a mixture of wrasse, pout and doggies, biggest pout going to 3lb 4oz


Sunday hangover after a party


Monday took day off and went to whitehouse ground managed plaice, doggies, pout, wrasse, pollack (3lb) a lonely mackerel then on slack water managed 7 garfish to 1lb 4oz on a 1/2 oz float kit fished at 30ft. Nick managed a double header when one was on the hook and another one get tangled around the beads!




Hi there.


I'm heading to Poole at the weekend where my friend has a boat. Now, he's got all the gear but no idea.


I've had a look on the map and can see the Whitehouse Grounds on it. which edge of the grounds is the gully you're fishing on.


I know this is cheeky, but I've been out with my friend several times and we still havn't caught anything as he doesn't know the area.


Also, if you have any mark co-ordinates that would be great.


Thanks very much.


Ben, in a totaly none sarcastic way may I sugest you get him (and you) to join this club. He will find no end of help and advice. We all had to start somewhere and I guess our combined list of cock ups is far larger than he could imagine so there is no need to feel shy. We have got several members from out of the area and some that are just starting out boat fishing.


First off there are no 'magic' areas where fish abound, and an area that worked today may well be dead tomorrow. However tackle, bait and presentation are important. You can be in the right spot with the wrong method and get nowt.


Why don't you let us know what sort of tackle you have and what bait you have been using, togethether with what sort of boat and engine you have. The reason is is that no one will want to recommend a spot 3 miles out if you are going to try it in a 12ft dinghy with a 4hp engine. Mind you there's plenty of fish been caught in a 12ft dinghy in the harbour and just outside.




Hi Ben


I agree with Mike, we can help but more info would be nice re: boat size, gear etc.


Firstly register in this forum. It costs you not one penny piece and is really easy to do. There are areas that none registered members cannot access which will then be available to you.


Secondly join the club. Membership of the club is just




I would suggest following other boats to start with. Poole Patch will be like a car park at the weekend depending on the weather and you can get bream, wrasse, pout and doggies and is a good place to start.


The gully was to the west and is about 100ft deep with 80ft on either side make sure you have enough anchor rope etc etc. The Barfleur and Condors pass quite close here under alot of power and push a big wake so be careful. It may be best to fish the patch until you are confident with the boat and work out the equipment you require also there are alot of other boats there if you get into any difficulties, break down etc.

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