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Just talked to Mark B.


He's sat in a pub in Alderney, bored stiff. They couldn't get out today due to the weather. The rest have gone down to the Lighthouse for a spot of very wet shore fishing (it's raining).


On the way out yesterday they stopped at a mid-channel wreck in 350ft of water over an old Passenger Liner.


Ling, Pollack and Pout were caught. Everyone had fish except Mark.


Biggest Ling was 20lb to Paul J.

Biggest Pollack was 14-15lb to Les(?).


Forecast tomorrow is 3-5, so they hope to get out to the banks.


On the bright side, Mark says the accommodation is excellent. Good job really...


Talked to Adam.


He's sat on the shore with the rest of them trying to spin and float fish for whatever is about. Nothing much caught yet.


Mixed results on the wreck on the way over. Adam had a couple and Martin next to him was catching on every drop.


Confirmed that the plan is to get out on to the banks tomorrow.


Change of plan on Thursday, instead of stopping on a mid-channel wreck they will fish the banks for as long as possible and then head home non-stop.


Adam said the skippers gave them the option to call the trip off on Monday before they left, but the all voted to go for it. They had a good session on the way out, and should get another 2 days fishing, so probably a good decision.


Bob F


Well, the lads didn't get out again today, so it was another session on the rocks.

Adam had a wrasse and a Bass. Don't know about anyone else.


I really hope they manage to get out to the banks tomorrow. Adam deserves better after all the effort he put into organizing it. weep.gif


Safe trip home lads. smile.gif




Absolutely gutted for them , i wonder what the skippers will do for them later/future.

I know you pays your money and takes your chance.

Hope tommorrow pays off big time.




The forecast looks better for tomorrow.


So I hope they get a great last day.


Such a shame after all the planning and anticipation that the weather spoils 2 days out of 4.


Have a safe trip back



Cheers for the sympathy lads, we are all back safe and sound. In spite of the weather it was thoroughly enjoyable. I think most of the other guys that went enjoyed the experience as well. We are already thinking about next years foray.


I am totally kna@@ered so will up date you fully later




Were Back!


Im off to the ledge with James


I'll give you more details later.


A great time although fishing was a real challange.


Iheard Rich got a 12lb 12oz Bass which was released!


Rich your the man!! we will pay homage to you at the next meeting


well done Adam on the Turbot


Paul J


Shame about the two days in Harbour...........like Dave says, you pays yer money and all that.


Thanks to Adam for the graft in getting the trip afloat, accomodation was top floor.......quite literally with excellent views of the lighthouse beacon at 0230hrs!!!!!!


PB bass for me, just filled out the Catch and realease form from Sea Angler, fingers crossed!

Cheers again..................Rich


Back and awake now !!


I was totally knackered after the trip. All the walking ( Not up to Les and Dave's fitness levels I am afraid ?!? ).


Many, many thanks to Adam for organising the trip. I thoroughly enjoyed it and despite the loss of 2 days fishing ( and in my case might as well have been 3 days smile.gif as I found the wreck fishing going out a little daunting, as not used to fishing in 300 foot of water and this was my first ever charter trip ).


BUT fishing wise made up for it on the last day with my first ever Turbot + pollock after pollock and a small ( 2-3lb ish ) Bass. Rich's Bass was awesome and I thought it was going to be lost after missing the net the first time. Hats off to Rich for releasing the fish as well.


Accomodation was first rate and the help from the owners was superb ( how many people would lend their truck to a group of total strangers ? ).


Finally, many thanks to Chris Caines and Simon ( his deck hand ) for being so friendly and helpful.






A Great trip which could have been awesome if we had the other two days.

It Was really nice to meet and fish with members i hadn't really got to know and the laughs in the digs and in the bar were worth it alone.


Whats with the Mike's in this club? there totally mad and funny as hell, Mike from "Just Mary" had me in stiches all weekend.


Did OK on the last wreck with 4 ling , the best went 19lb. On the Bank the last day i must have dropped 6 fish one of which i reckon was Riche's Bass! or it's brother. It hit like a bass, ran and dropped it, i reeled almost to the surface and it took again, ran and dropped it again. That one will haunt me for some time!.

I did manage a small bass of 2.5lbs before we went home.

The last day went quicker than any trip i have been on, i guess we were fisjhing so hard that the time flew by.


Les was the dark horse on our boat, he pulled up pollack for fun and seemed to catch something everytime i turned around. This was no luck, hidden behind that quiet exterior lies a very competent angler- well done Les.

Dave got a nice Bass of about 5.5lbs and two Turbot so he was well pleased.


The people at the B&B were amazing, they carted us off everywhere in the back of a Lorry, it looked like we were on a big game safari.


Anyway, as they say "i'll be back"


Today on the Ledge with James- He got a nice ray and a couple of good Bream. I just watched James and played with the Dogs


Paul J




Hi all

I realy enjoyed our trip to Alderney,I will definitely be back! The final day on the banks gave us a taste of the fishing to be had. On the wrecks on the way over I managed a couple of ling and a good pollock.

Blanked on the rocks, even though Dean, Peter and I sat it out till almost midnight!


Did well on the banks, Managed 2 turbot and a bass. Even with the weather I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, great company, accomadition and food (thanks adam for organising). Count me in for next year!



Even though the weather played up I still had an excellent time and the 2 days fishing we did get were brill !!!!


Well done to Rich that was a superb bass and good to see it swim to fight another day. Maybe we can catch it next year when it tips the scales over 13lb.


Thanks to Adam for organising the trip and for the great company. You can definately put me down for next year. biggrin.gif


Just realised that I was that tired from the trip on the way back that I left all my rods behind !?! mad.gif


Fortunately, Rich picked a couple of rods up, but he has one rod missing and I think I still have one missing ( Need to check from Rich which ones he has ).


I am looking for following rods :-


1) Penn Uptider in a Penn bag which was absolutely soaked ( remember passing it off the boat ).


2) Top half of a Daiwa Vulcan-X 20lb downtider in rod bag.


3) Brand new Abu Conolon Pro Boat rod weep.gifweep.gif


Rich has a 20-30lb Abu Downtider missing.

If all the people on Tiger Lily could look out for these, it would be much appreciated.




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