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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi, I am hoping to launch from Baiter tomorrow but am unsure of locations and tactics to have a good day. I was thinking of anchoring over Poole Patch or Swanage Bay? Any advice would be good as I am hoping to get in to boat fishing this year since trading in my 13ft dory for something of 16ft and more suitable for the job.






Hi Robfnet,


It's not a fantastic time of year for inshore fishing.


If you are only 13' I would be wary of more than a mile or two offshore which limits your options.


Swanage bay may give a few whiting....


The spoil and whitehouse grounds are about 5/6 miles offshore but can be nasty if a tide/wind kicks up...


Good luck!!




It could be about the best time for flounders in the harbour; you'll need lots of worms.


Float fishing can help avoid the worst of the crabs.


Best of luck ,




Hey guys - We fished in the shelter of Old Harry in Shell bay hoping for anything fish shaped - after a couple of hours nothing. We moved inside the harbour, moored up on on of the bouys just west of Brownsea Castle, Again noting b ut crabs on squid and blakc lug cocktails.


Oh well, it was a good day out on the water.


Tight lines for 2007.




next time, maybe try out of mudeford. a couple of miles is the xchurch ledge, straight on the cod/conger grounds and still close enough to feel safe in a small boat (as your boat is tiny, still only attempt if the conditions are perfect, but we took a 14ft boat out there often with no problems). PM me if you need any inshore areas from there. Well done for getting out all the same.



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