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Who can suggest a reliable and economical trickle charger...


ie solar or windy.........


any ideas folks.......... unsure.gif




Do you want one that charges a battery or one merely keeps a charged battery topped up?


If it's the latter, a cheapie solor panel costing little over a tenner will work. I have one in the garage connected to the bike and it works.


Second the solar panel - BW has one, it works well enough to ensure the batt is tip-top.


If you batt's are not keeping charge when you come to use them, make sure your problem isnot elsewhere (I.e alternator or duff batts) if this is the case the solar charger wont have much effect, they mearly help healthly batts.




Can I Kidnap part of this subject as it touches on an unanswered question I have.

My campervan has an 80w solar panel on the roof. [total dogs uno's ]. It has all the appropriate meters;diodes;failsafes ;limiters etc. built in.. BUT. can I keep it operational during the winter months {I know it will produce charge even on dull days }or will it overcharge or boil dry my leisure batteries,as they are not being used except to power the alarm. I have the van plugged in to the mains and switch on the in-built charger for a half day occassionaly,but dont always remember,..I am sure someone out there has the definative answer. thanks Jack




Below was mostly taken from a web site...


Yes, you can over charge your battery with a solar panel.


As you say, even under cloudy condition's, solar panels produce electricity although in lesser quantities.


You should either disconnect it if you are not using the batteries for a long period, or buy a special regulator (


Many thanks ALL


Very useful stuff as always........... biggrin.gif


Sorry for the delay, I've not been very 'netty' over Chrimble.




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