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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Mother came round for Christmas Dinner and brought a huge hock of ham (cooked). There's absolutely tons of meet still left on it.


Is there any way of preserving it??? There's no way we will get through it in the next few days, and not too sure how long we can keep it in the frig????








Reply as dictated by my local domestic management :

a) Cut the cooked meat off the bone and cube it.

cool.gif Bag up in quantities suitable for later recooking in risotto, pies, etc. and put into freezer.

c) Boil up bone and remaining meat to make base for ham and pea/ham and veg soup.


I would add :

d) Put soup into thermos flask and enjoy whilst sitting safely by shore/river this weekend.






Slice of a few decent slices and then roughly chop into chunks - a good few handuls are needed.


Mix this with some chopped sweated leeks and/or an onion and mix the whole lot with a batch of mashed potato - finally, add a wisked egg to bind. Make into patties and you can add breadcrumbs if you wish...


The best ham hashes ever!!


Finally - we are in the same predicament....


Soups, curries, pasta, ploughmans....


Still going 5 days later!!


Ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, and bl@@dy HAM!!!!! blink.gifblink.gif


OH....and that!!!


Lunch today - fresh baked baguette with caramalised onions and sliced ham with mustard!! Mmmmmmm


Dinner tonight....red thai turkey curry....!! tongue.gif


with all seriousness,, you can preserve it properly with potassium nitrate !!


also with the left overs you can mix it with sugar in a 6:4 ratio, in a low heated fryingpan,, to make great smokebombs!!!


lol dnt ask how i know that,,, but mmm,,, ham!




ahh the pleasures of being a teen! he he if anyone does want to do this,, jus for fun.,, pm me for the exact recepie,,, as this is a low xplosiv compound!!


i also hav many more 'knowledgable ideas' tongue.gif haha




With the word explosive placed on the forum, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will be visited by the man with no name, just checking it out for the security of the country!!!


lol the smoke thingy isnt explosiv in itself,, but the chemicals,, as with all can giv u a nasty surprise!!


it just makes a thick smoke, similar looking to that comming off a flare

however it isnt harmful, and is pretty much odourless!

it isnt the smoke which will come from a fire,, just different!!"


loooool laugh.gif






lol i just wonder how this has arisen on a fishing forum!!


according to my 3000 page 'cookbook'. the exact recepie is:


Here is the recipe for one helluva smoke bomb!

4 parts sugar

6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter)

Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well. Pour it into a future container and,

before it solidifies, imbed a few matches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of this stuff will fill

up a whole block with thick, white smoke!

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thats the exact copied quote! so dnt blame me!! hehe ph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gif






Salt Peter is the same as potassium nitrate (KNO3) , and is avaliable off the web as its a real meat preserver!! you can even get it off ebay!! hehe!



now iv just got 2 find a way to use it 2 improve my fishing!!






Salt Peter is the same as potassium nitrate (KNO3)



Also used in the manufacture of cigarettes to prevent them going out and apparently if mixed with trichoethylene vapour, produces a gas that kills you instantly. So be careful of using cleaning fluids when smoking.


Gordon H

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