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Mark B,


Remember the problem you had on your 182C when you are zoomed in and manouvering around a mark, the position arrow sometimes jumps or does a 180?


I think this is to do with the update rate for the Track setting.


Goto the Menu and select the "Track" setting.


Select the "Active" tab (as apposed to "Record").


In the Interval window, make sure "Resolution" is selected.


Note the value shown in the Number window.


Halve the number and then enter this value in the Number window.


In resolution mode, the plotter records a plot every time you move a certain distance. The distance is defined by you in the number widow. So, if the resolution value is too high the plotter will not update the track postion marker (the arrow on the screen) often enough and thus causing the jumping arrow when you are zoomed in and turning circles around a mark.


So, reduce the resolution value. The downside of reducing the value is that it will use up the track memory quicker, 'cus it's recording more often. This just means you will have to clear the track log more often.


Experiment with the resolution setting until you are happy.


Instead of using "Resolution" for the Interval you can select "Time". This then determines the time between each Track update (instead of distance). But, using Time is less efficient on Track memory, so stick with Resolution and see how you get on.


See pages 59 and 60 of your manual.


Bob F.





bob it only happens when you zoom right in to a mark but i have only done it once so i will have a play on sunday. blink.gif i dont know whats harder catching fish or learning how to use your electronics weep.gif cheers bob .


mark b



No, not yet.


I'm pretty sure you cant copy - everyone would do it otherwise, and Garmin wouldnt sell any charts!!


I will get one next week -


I also leave mine in the unit and would advise doing this since the contacts are surely going to wear out if the map is being removed/inserted too many times.


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