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Posted (edited)

Hi all,


As some of you know I don't keep my boat at home due to lack of room, so went up to check it out after the storms. Fortunately no problems. rolleyes.gif


Whilst there I thought I would carry out a few checks over the boat as I had nothing else to do. On checking the anchor warp I noticed that it was starting to show signs of fraying. sad.gif


So I loaded the whole lot into the car and came home with so I could splice another eye in the bottom end of the rope and reconnect it to the anchor chain.

Before I recoiled the rope back into the tub, I don't have an anchor well, I clipped onto the end of the rope a small spare buoy so if I need to I can tip the whole lot into the water and get out of the way of a problem quickly, I can then return pick up the buoy and recover the lot.


Just a thought, when was the last time you checked your anchor rope?

Whilst the weather is cr*p why not do some checks then you will be ready when a weather window opens.




Edited by Codfather

Dave, regular rope uses, such as climbers, tree surgeons etc, are taught to check the rope every time they use it.


When paying out/hauling the anchor rope, a tactile check along its full length, ooooer missus, will feel any flat spots/abrasions, and paying attention with eyes will show any frays etc. Get into this habit, and it does work.



Posted (edited)

Dave, regular rope uses, such as climbers, tree surgeons etc, are taught to check the rope every time they use it.


When paying out/hauling the anchor rope, a tactile check along its full length, ooooer missus, will feel any flat spots/abrasions, and paying attention with eyes will show any frays etc. Get into this habit, and it does work.



Hi Rich


I agree and that's how I knew I needed to do something, however it is always getting around to do it.


I would rather go out fishing when it is nice weather and when it's not I don't want to be standing out there working on the boat. wink.gif

That is the benefit of have a boat at your home, you can nip out when the weather or the feeling allows.


All I have to do now it put it all back on the boat. huh.gif


Cleaned and polished up all my rods as well, found one rod with a broken tip ring so was a worthwhile excercise.


Out of interest how many lead weights do you all carry on your boats?

Lifted my box up and nearly crippled myself. Looking back I have not used any in the last 12 months from the box so why do I carry it all?

Just thinking of all that extra fuel I used as well! weep.gif




Edited by Codfather

Before BW went on Sat, I emptied all that was not going with her.


CHRIST!! I never knew I carried so much extra weight.


The two anchors and warp must have weighed close to 100lb as I coulnt lift the barrel - had to roll it to the garage!!


This is usually the time of year used to empty the boat, check and re-do the electrical connections, have the engine serviced and do any jobs that have been nagging all season - its the best way and saves having to do it when the bass arrive!!




While were on the subject of maintenance and jobs for when the fish don`t want to play. cool.gif I too have a warrior and if my memory servs me correct i think it`s your boat with the back rail across the transom. ph34r.gif


Now you know where i`m going with this. unsure.gif


Is there any chance you could post some photos to see how you fitted it, and how the cover fits etc.... unsure.gif


(i hope i got the right person)




Hi Gazza


No problem,


Took some shots for Adam, as he got one made due to the price from Warrior.


The rail is removable so the trailer cover fits as normal.














If you want to come up to take measurements or a look see give me a call


Hope the links work ok biggrin.gif





Cheers for the pics Dave.............They will be a great help to me.


Did you buy it from Warrior with the boat or did you make it yourself?


Warrior do seem a little on the pricey side! weep.gif



I`m still thinking about this project so i will phone you in Feb or March to come and take a better look if thats o.k. with you?


Are you still fishing ?...................or have you stopped till the spring? cool.gif


I`m hoping to go out this Sat from Baiter if youre going too maybe i could see then


Again many thanks for your help smile.gif





Hi Gary


No I purchased the boat 2nd hand and it came with the boat, I bought the boat from the origanal owner and everything came from Warrior when it was new.


Might be worth having a word with Adam to see who made his rail.


Contact me anytime if you want to have a look see, in fact I could bring it down to a club meeting if you want.


I would still like to get out for some fishing sometime but I need to do some jobs on the boat and I don't think I will be out this week-end.


Good luck for Saturday if you manage to get out.






Many thanks again Dave


Maybe i`ll see you down baiter one day. ........... If not i`ll come for a look see when the evenings get lighter biggrin.gif





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