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What's the form on this up and coming comp?


Are timings fixed or flexible - the option of an early start would seem sensible given the number of boats heading out to the inshore marks recently!


Paul D............are we still fishing together???? Let me know please, then I can warn Debs!!!! Forewarned is forearmed.........or is it forearmed is forewarned??? Still, it will give me time to whack the G/B together.

Cheers paul.................Rich

PS Bringing the rods tomorrow eve




I believe the rules for the bream comp are the same as our monthly species hunts and are FISHED OVER A SEVEN HOUR PERIOD BETWEEN 0730 AND 1630 to allow members to adjust their fishing times to suit tides, launching etc.





thanks for clarification - exactly what I was looking for.


subsequent to post I have been politely advised that 'significant progress on outstanding jobs' is expected this wekend - so I am unlikely to be able to go fishing at all. Not unreasonable as I haven't exactly got on with the list over the last few months.


2 tonnes of ballast / 25 bags of cement / 40 deck boards and 14 joists due to be delivered Friday sad.gif and that's just the start!!!!!!


Martin, regarding the rules for the comp's.....once you have launched, arrived at the grounds, does the seven and a half hours start when you wet your line???

Can you break till change of tide, or once you start, its a case of I've started so I'll finish????





Charlie - You and me both concerned about it! Certainly looking forward to the tope , well any fishing really!


This 7 hours sounds a great idea, brings all of the club waters including Alderney etc into play rolleyes.gif


feeling left out Bob? wink.gif don't!


unfortunately th elorry delivering my building stuff was unable to get into the drive and had to return the ballast and cement to the depot. 60% of the decking is badly split and will have to be swapped out early next week................


so I am off to Poole (now) instead!


will have youngest in tow but will probably be able to fish a couple of hours Sunday if I remember to put a rod on board. Will call up Great White on the VHF or mobile if I do so - assume you will be listening on 16. If I can't get anyone because you are out of range I suppose I will just come and find you in the afternoon on my way back.


what a damm shame - naughty naughty naughty delivery men rolleyes.gif

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