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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just to keep the Etec debate "fueled" When Adam and I went out last weekend to the needles I decided to set the trip. Approx 14 to 16 knots out, 20 to 24 on the way back, a total of 19 nautical miles and used only 12 to 13 litres. biggrin.gif


Not bad me thinks


Was that with or against the tide ?


The other day was did the trip out against the tide and Back in against the tide.

I had to change over tanks half way back ......



That is my 11 litre tank ( containing around 9 litres ) which I wanted to use up smile.gif


Overall consumption is similar to yours I suspect.


If you like a comparison here are my records for my Marina 60hp 4-stroke (carb model)


Poole (RNLI college) to Freshwater bay and back both trips


Trip 1

Total miles 51.5

Fuel used 29.6 ltrs

Engine ran for 4hrs in total

Ave 0.57 ltrs/mile


Trip 2

Total miles 49.6

Fuel used 28.9 ltrs

Engine ran for 5.1 hrs in total (did leave ign on in error for a while)

Ave 0.81 ltrs/mile


Can't recall if it was with or against tide but was travelling about 20+kts each time.

Sea state must have been fairly good.







Continuing on the economy theme. Etecs claim for one of the most economical engines comes from the amount of fuel it uses at tick over and low revs. So when you are drifting and trolling this adds to the efficiency. When I recently got my engine back from its software update and fuel filter change, they gave me a read out and nearly 50% of the total run time of 58 hours was less than 1000 rpm.

It would appear that the long runs like most modern engines are much similar although I think that power to wieght ratio has a huge bearing on this.

I think Adam would be the first to admit that the 60 four stroke was slightly underpowered on the 165 and so the additional rpm required to keep up a steady 20 knots would then reduce the fuel efficiency.


All interesting stuff blink.gif


Etecs claim for one of the most economical engines


Dont they all?!?!.... rolleyes.gif


The 60hp Mariner EFI 4 Stk is a little underpowered on th 165, however the 60hp Suzi is a different beast (according to reports)...


4 stokes do use most of their fuel in the last 1/4 of the rev range, so yes running larger will be better.


The figures quoted above are very similar to what BW used to run at though, its all see saws and swings.


Will be interesting to see what the big BF115 runs at!

  Manic Moore said:
When I recently got my engine back from its software update and fuel filter change, they gave me a read out and nearly 50% of the total run time of 58 hours was less than 1000 rpm.

That would probably be the time spent "precison anchoring" maybe ? tongue.gif


Seriously, running below 2000 RPM and the E-Tec is extremely frugal. Reason is they run on an incredibly weak fuel/air mixture ( can do this as no valves to destroy ). Hence the huge amount of cooling water they have running through them. I hope they have done their calculations correctly though and we dont end up burning a hole in the pistons ohmy.gif




3000 posts! Wow,


Assuming it takes me a minute to write a post on average (more like 2/3 I'd have thought) that is 50 hours or just over 2 full days!


...Blimey, I must get out more... laugh.gif


Now you can go fishing again!!


......when the weather allows........


......and the season


......and work


.....and your nearest/dearest


.....and the tides


......and bait..........and....and.....and......!!!




[who didn't get out this week!]



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