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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Myself and Steve ( Westray ) have booked Shogun for a wrecking trip on the 23rd March.

All I need now is to fill the remaining 8 places and we can go smile.gif


Anyone interested ?



Same scenario again!!.........I'm at work !!


Roll on 'Early Retirement'....... then I'll be able to join you on these 'Mid-week' trips!


Have a good day!!




Les / Terry ( or anyone else interested ),


If you could email rob@beyondthebluecharters.co.uk and cc me ( webmaster@pbsbac.co.uk ) and ask to be added to the list going, then I will be able to keep a track on who is going ( as I am getting some from work hopefully ).


The charter is an "individuals" one and the boat will go if we can get six ( or was it 8 ? ).


Cost I think is


Hopefully those days are over....actually given up ciggies too (again)


No more sandwiches or jaffa cakes or pies thankyou!!! New oven being fitted and nice curries / chillies always welcome aboard. Oh and sausage sandwiches are never a problem to cook!


Anyway, only 2 spaces left.








Pop Rob and e-mail as detailed at top of this thread and cc me if that's OK. ( As it is an individuals trip, although I think most/all may be from PBSBAC or work ! )


cheers Paul





Your name is down and I've just dropped you an e-mail. Trip is now full there are 8 members from the club and a couple of individuals anglers.


Many thanks to you all for booking your spaces, looking forward to it already just keeping fingers crossed for some good weather.




  • 4 weeks later...

Once again, we are praying to the weather Gods. mad.gif I thought last week that we were into a settled period and could look forward to a good day. Paul, I think your offer to Alun on another thread of some fillets on Friday is rather tempting providence, although I admire your confidence.




I did think the same when I typed it. We shall see.


I think the weather is due to settle down come Friday. We shall see.





I think you will be lucky with the wind; it should calm down mid week , before it picks up again next weekend [ to frustrate me AGAIN].



Yes please to some fish [ whole is fine!!]; I have a bag of leeks for you if you would like some??


Hope you get a good day,





Not so lucky with the wind.


We are moving the date to next Friday ( those that can make it and weather willing ) as big tides and F4 northerly wind does not make for good fishing.


Still need to get hold of Rich to let him know.





Certainly is Rich. I understand you are booked back on.

See you at Lymington 7AM on Friday.


PS: I think there are a couple of spaces spare still if anyone is interested.



N5, small tides and rain all day....I'm no expert but I would have thought last Friday would have offered the best chance? blink.gif


Have a good day chaps, I'll be thinking of you (not jealous at all!! mad.gif )

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