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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just got back from a hard days graft on the patch. But .... its still much better than working !!


Despite being gagging for it, fishing was v. slow going allday. We fished most of the ebb until low water, on the outer patch, only managing 2 bream a pout, a doggie and yes another two of those funny looking wrasse thingys with the spot infront of the tail fin ?? wierd - havent seen one of these before. Water was 10.5 deg - same as two weeks ago - summers not here yet !


We fished most of the flood until early evening, moving about from pot to pot to avoid the rough ground. Usually I fish light, 12lb main and dropper, but was getting snapped off - you know how you go out with every size of lead but the one you need, and not enough of them ! Went up to 25lb and at least managed to keep some leads and pull most snag ups free. Eventually found a good spot and got the bream tally up to double figures, so ended the day with a result ! Most fish were having the mackeral strips, and ignoring our squid.


Also spent an hour or so on Poole/ Durley rocks - looked interesting on the fishfinder and quite clean ground either side - anyone tried this one ?? might be good inshore mark when it is lumpy further out.


All in all, a good day out !





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