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Pretty good day all in all for James and I on Blue Warrior.


Fortunatly we had had a bit of a recie on Thurs, so we knew exactly where we were heading. We also had an early start - just to get on the mark more than anything, as we expected it to be busy - how right we were! - I counted 32 boats fishing in about a 2 x 2 mile square at one point - add to this the idiots cruising between us at 30 knots and it was fun! ph34r.gif


Anyway, the fishing was sporadic all day really, with 2/3 fish then a quiet spell for 20 mins. Final tally was over 30 bream between James and I, with James' best going 3lb 4oz, and mine going 2lb 14oz. The majority of the fish were about 1.75lb - 2.5lb. Pretty good, and fantastic sport on the light gear.


Last cast of the day for me, and I snag the bottom.....at least thats what I thought until it starts to move!!!!!.......Big fish! - Strap conger was the call, but it turned to be a new Club Record Small Eyed Ray - 11lb!! On 12lb class gear, 12lb hook lengths, 4oz lead and a bit of squid and rag as bait!


We then moved out of the ledge into deeper water, where we found string fulls of mackeral every drop. Summers here!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Then off to our old faithful mark, where we found the Sally Anne, scouring the sea bead for miles around - is it any surprise fish stocks are low inshore with boats like her? An exclusion zone of 5 miles would be a sensible idea? - But then the powers that be dont understand sensible........


James then began to walk the dogs! and finished with another ray of 6lb.


What a cracking day - just got home, sun burnt, but happy!




Good haul!! A great day for the species, I think Paul D and I managed Pollack, Poor cod, Pout, Bream (Paul 's best around 3lb, mine about 21/2 lb....no excus for bad scales!), two species of Wrasse, change of mark brought Mackeral and doggies, so great fun in the sun




well I actually managed to get a bit of fishing in on Sunday morning - 1 bream off ballard weight 1lb 10 oz.


Under an hour later it was on the BBQ and went very well with a salad and ice cold Stella whilst I had to listen to Adam F recount the tales of 'doubles' of bream etc etc. Honestly......[smile]


Role on Whitsan week - I will get some serious fishing in somehow!


What bream!!?? I didn't catch one all day, and I was 200 yds from BW!!


But of course young Robert caught one just to out-fish his dad again.


He'd been picking up wrasse and pout on virtually every drop and was getting a bit cocky with how easy it was to bring in these fish. But then his little spinning rod bent double and he had his first ever bream on. This was a different matter all together as he struggled to gain control over the powerful dives and darts.


You should have seen his shock at how powerful a bream can fight, and then his shout of WOW!! when he saw the beautiful blue sceen when it hit the surface. He was well chuffed.


Measured it back home on calibrated scales - 2lb 4.25oz.


Yes, he's having in on the BBQ this evening.


Bob F.


As Rich stated we also had a very good day. Caught two good sized bream ( around 2 1/2 lb mark ) and numerous smaller ones - probably around 10/15 bream in all. ( I think Rich's est of 3 lb is too heavy as I know the size of the 2 lb 13 Oz one I had a couple of weeks back).


However, my digital scales were broken and I bought some Rapala spring ones to 30 lb which are no good for weighing 2 1/2 lb/ 3lb fish - so who knows !?!


Had many, many Pollock ( just like scaled down Alderney !! ) plus a number of Wrasse ( Rich was getting the larger ones however ). Plenty of Poor Cod and no Pout or Doggies at all on the ledge.


Interestingly, when we reached the ledge mark we found BW there. Now you know where the Whiting mark is wink.gif Then we got surrounded by charter boats and "waked" by some idiot in a larger boat.

( We also found Tara on the ledge but the wrong one ).


Then went to the "X-Dog" mark which some reason seemed to be nearer Hengistbury Head than I remember from last time ( Must be me getting more adventurous unsure.gif ). We found mackeral first drop and it was good to see the shoals in. I used my Keep Net I bought for

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