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I forgot to mention in my last fishing report,but my 35lb. braid line,purchased about 18 months ago.snapped twice. there did'nt seem to be any abrasion damage,just a clean break each time.Doe's braid deteriate if left wet on the reel.or doe's it just deteriate with age? or did I just have crap braid [it was a good brand name ], it may have been fresh-water braid.is there any such thing? dry.gif jack


I would always soap reel in fresh water, rinse and dry out in airing cupboard, it helps to cut down on salt damage on braid.


I tend to use them for one season then turn it over for the next and discard on the third. Haven't have any problem with braid breaking tho, only problem was some 30lb braid from Climate (?) come free with some fishing mag they were sh*t beyond believe, thick and has the strength of my hair, never use them again even if you pay me.


Presently I use Power Pro and everyone I know who use them have never have any trouble with them. Not too expensive




check your tip ring for cracks, and reverse the braid on the reel, i suspect much of it has not seen the light of day and will be as good as new




Posted (edited)

Anyone tried the fireline crystal braid yet? i think i'll try it on a spinning reel for plugging and float fishing but havn't got round to it yet

Edited by Paul J
Anyone tried the fireline crystal braid yet? i think i'll try it on a spinning reel for plugging and float fishing but havn't got round to it yet

Yes I have it on my Shimano light spinning rod & fixed spool outfit. No prob's at all. I use a leader of 8lb memory free mono and straight to a plug if spinning or to a mono trace if bait fishing. Double the braid and tie it to the mono with an albright knot.


Mad Mike


as already suggest check the tip ring carefully - Dave lost 4 sets of tackle because of a hairline crack in the tip ring that cut the braid in certain circumstances ............


secondly please name the brand/line because this may be relevant to the possible issue


finally some of the softer braids do seem to be suceptable to 'weathering' for want of a better word - Dynon and Tiger Braid in my case; whereas the tighter braids like Ron Thompsons Dynabraid and polymer coated braid such as Fireline EDS seem impervious to anything! Fused (Fireline) wear the coating away and look 'worn' but seem to retain their strength although I tend to chuck the odd metre from time to time 'just in case'. Finally the really fine ones (Whiplash pro etc) are simply so fine that any visible imperfection etc will cause significant loss of strength...........


Duncan, I have W/lash Pro on all multipliers from my ABU 5, (10lb), my two TLD 5's, 15lb, my ABU 7000BG (chocolate geared!!!) has 25lb and my Penn 975 has 20lb. The five has had the braid on it for simply aaaaaaaages, and hasnt failed as yet. (Tempts fate there!!). The W/lash pro does appear to "fluff up" a tad, but I havent had this cause failure with early season bass or mid sized pollack and small cod. All the latter were taken on the TLD's.


I guess its all about storage and maintenance. If you leave it salty, perhaps it degrades a tad quicker, I dont know, but I wash mine after each use.




I use 30lb ghost green budget braid from tacklebargins.co.uk or more recently Dyneema X-Tension from uk-hooks.com, both are very similar, basic, 'solid' braids, no coating, dont fluff up etc.


I dont wash my reels down very often and I have never had a braid 'go' on me in 5 years, in fact when I have become stuck fast, it is usually either the knot or the trace that breaks.


...Just to confuse you rolleyes.gif

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