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Avet Sx - Pocket Lever Drag With Immense Power

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Posted (edited)

Hi Guys


Another tackle review from your truly.

I purchased this reel to balance to a rod that I have also just tested (the Alba 6lb class "Longboat").


The review below has been cut and pasted directly from WSF.

Feel free to add your own take on this reel if you have used it.

I thought these reviews may help would be buyers make up their minds.


Avet SX



Edited by TomBettle

Spot on, agree 100%.


Never used mine for wrecking cos I'm a lazy sob, just don't like the work rate.


I found it great for bassing using shad in Portland tho.


Hi Tom,


Did you get your Avet from the UK or from the USA?


I looked at the Avet website and see that they do silver, gold or blue.


But when I look at fleabay there are some great deals but also lots of colours like black, yellow and even purple!


My sceptical mind is wondering if there are cheap forgeries about!

Posted (edited)

Tom, surely the size of spool and amount of line retrieve per crank, determines not really a reel for deeper water? My ABU Ambassadeur Five, (circa 1970) gives a similar retrieve, but has no lever drag, but is still a joy to use on a light rod.I am fed up sending the ABU 7000 back to Pure Fishing for repairs, so I bought the Penn 975 lver drag, which I find faultless.

I would like a look at one of these as a small LD reel.


(Bassman, if you Google Avet, have a look on the Charkbait site, they were one of the first to flog these reels, and they are showing all manner of colours on their site, so maybe the Fleabay ones are genuine Avets).



Edited by Rich J.A.W.

I bought mine from Chalkbait, good bloke.


When they first came out, there were only 3 colours, but then the brought out purple or somethig for another reel and people went nuts for them, then they started doing all the extra colours on all the reels.



  • 3 weeks later...

beware if you buy one of these reels from america on the strength of this reveiw i decided to try one i found a site that was selling them and paid for it lovely reel but didnt expect the extra 23 quid customs charge had i known about this i may have thought twice about purchasing i know 23 quid may not be an awful lot of money but when you consider the price of the reel to start with there may be something better and cheaper on this side of the pond mad.gif


Just bear in mind that customs charges are something like 6% plus VAT at 17.5% and they are on the price including P&P.


Even after this many items can still work out cheaper from the states than purchased locally. ( with the nearly 2$ to the


It's a risk that you take when importing from overseas, in my experiance about a 1/3 of imports get through.


One tip is to ask the sender to unpack the goods, send the receipt seperatly and mark the item as a warrenty return - they wont charge import duties then, hwoever it is a hastle and not all senders will do this.


that is not 'a tip' it is tax evasion Adam - very different things!


For clarity (given the obvious confusion) - anything bought from within the EU is VAT paid, anything outside is not.


Some things, from some places, have specific import duties which generally vary between 1 and 6%.


VAT is payable on P&P as well as the unit cost


Some shipping routes/mechanisms will have additional handling charges for dealing with duty payable goods.


Just because the above aren't collected from you doesn't mean they aren't due - you are liable and, in addition to the duty, evasion penalties are very very harsh.


And then of course there's the matter of CE marking on goods sourced outside the EU ....................


If you paid $197 inc p&p, you paid over the top, I got mine for $165 inc p&p about a year ago, although the exchange rate was nowhere near as good, it was still less than

  • 2 weeks later...

Tom - interesting to note your speed issue - I find the retrieve on my slosh30 is too fast for gilling (apart from shads) - I have to 'crawl' with it and find that much more tiring than reeling in at a more comfortable speed with my 6500 synchro. However - I'd rather crawl but have the ability to get the gear back up quickly than be forced to wind like a nutter all day, especially as I tend to fish 100m+ wrecks quite often.

By the way - With sloshes at

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