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James and I canceled our planned conger trip last night, opting instead to have a bash in the harbour for the mullet.


Still maybe a little early. They were there, I had several follows and a few aborted takes, and 3 school bass.


James had a mullet, 2lb 20z and a few bass also.


Tried fly fishing backberry island for the mullet and bass, but didnt really have the right fly - must try again though!


Anything apart from what I had in my box! wink.gif No, seriously, the harbour is very murky at that time of day anyway, the trout flies I had just looked like pieces of weed in the water, a sandeel imitation or a big streamer fly is whats needed - must make the investment next time.


Adam, what size rod are you using?? My gear is a weight 7-8, and the line is a 7 weight forward.

Sandeel imitations are very heavy flies - this can pose problems casting with lighter rods. What do you think?


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