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I remember Mad Mike being advised to get a shoulder harness to help his back problems.I have looked at this solution to ease my back. [yes I have caught fish big enough to strain it !! ]. I see from pic's that the belt clips to the reel lugs.I have them on my 2 largest reels,but not on my most often used ones. Is there a way to secure to the rod in use,or is that not practical ? dry.gif jack


When I was in Norway, I met a chap call Ronnie, he's over 70 and he had all sorts of gadgets with him on his tool belt etc. He fashioned a clip which go round the rod just above the reel seat, and he then clips the harness onto it. It worked as he caught a 16lb coalfish.


my lower back is shot to shit - surgery etc etc


I've yet to meet a situation that reguires such an arrangement


I can understand a butt cap (well my balls appreciate it) but for chisrt sake enjoy fighting a decent fish don't regret it!


Did'nt mean to upset you Duncan.I've been told that I cant have surgery on my back,so rather than finishing up unable to fish at all,I was trying to take a few precautions.If push comes to shove I can always get Andy to "crank up" for me,but it's not the same,is it.?.. sad.gif jack


Jack, I have just remembered (prompted by your post) a New Zealand device that I read about some years ago. Imagin if you will a stainless steel tube about a foot long which is welded to a free movement stainless ball and socket arrangement, this in turn is welded to a flat fixing plate which is fastened to the gunnel.

In use, once a fish is struck the butt end of the rod is dropped into the tube and held one handed above the reel whilst the other hand turns the reel. As the pivoting fulcrum is now fixed to the boat all the effort used is from the arms and shoulders.


I am certain that one could be fabricated quite easily.


Mad Mike

Did'nt mean to upset you Duncan.I've been told that I cant have surgery on my back,so rather than finishing up unable to fish at all,I was trying to take a few precautions.If push comes to shove I can always get Andy to "crank up" for me,but it's not the same,is it.?.. sad.gif jack

no problem Jack - and it is I who should be apologising not you. I was very clumsy in my choice of words but overall I still believe that as long as there is some bend in the rod the fish will eventually come to the net. Clearly anchored in a tide or bullying a fish away from snags (conger/wrecks) are exceptions but simply put don't go wreck congering with a bad back!


adding a harness and a butt pad changes the working loads on the body but aren't necessarily better for a bad back - sure as hell take the strain off the arms though! in addition the advantage of a shoulder harness to reel lugs is that it absorbs the rotational strain on the rod as well. a good butt pad provides a mechanically advantageous pivot, as well as adding comfort, and with a good pin to slotted butt also handles rotational loads. Mike's suggestion is excellent but extreme - however anything that enables you to go out and enjoy the experience must have a place somewhere.


all the best


Thanks for the assorted advice and comments,My last congering episode sparked all this off,and as Duncan said, perhaps I should not set out to do it[congering] intentionally. dry.gif jack


Mikes suggestion reminds me of what was used stateside for deep water (300-600 ft) rockcodding. Not nearly as posh as Mikes but simpler


It was just an L shaped flat metal plate that was clamped to the bottom of the Butt underneath and slightly forward of the reel.


This was simply to rest the rod on the gunnell to stop it twisting as you reeled in the fish. The wieght was taken up by the rail as you never picked up the rod it was a matter of keeping the rod on the gunnell and winding

Not very sporting but in deep water with 5lb of wieght and a full string off fish it made it bearable being able to use the rail to take the strain




Jack, if you are standing up while fighting a large fish, your legs and your lower back are doing a lot of the work, is there anyway you can fit some sort of a chair on you boat to take the strain off your back?


Thanks for that Kam.. Andy carries 2 Directors chairs on board,and I spend most of my time sat in mine on the deck,I always stand up when there is a"fish on",I just need to adapt to fishing sat down,! bloody obvious when you think of it !! dry.gifdry.gifsad.gif jack


Quote........I just need to adapt to fishing sat down,


I have had to Jack, I have to sit for about 90% of the time I am in the boat because of my back problem (Spinal Stenosis). Another thing you could try, assuming the chair is up to it, is to fasten a butt pad at the front just below the bit of the seat that you sit on. Drop the but end of the rod into the butt pad so that the pad on the chair becomes the fulcrum and you arethe leavering force using your shoulders. I have no idea if this will work in practice but the thought just came into my mind and although I can visualise it I have never (yet( tried it. smile.gif


Mad Mike


Jack i am in a wheel chair and fish off my own boat Bliss II on a seat and straped in when its a little rough. Stainless steve makes these plates that fit under your real.it has two holes in it so you can fit your harness to it, so it doesn't matter if you real hasn't got any harrness eyes, you just fit one of these plates.

I would show you a picture of my real with one fitted but i have just sent it away. Another helpful tool i use when wrecking is a shimano electric real it doesn't do all the work it just help's alot.

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