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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I have following booked in :-


Have following booked in for comp tomorrow :-



Splash Out

Imagine IV


Whistler ( Pete Russel and Tony Devine )



Maltese Stingray




any more takers ?






Where to go ..........................THAT is the question?????????




Well we found out one place you went biggrin.gif


Mad Mike


PS any stories of huge fish after we left will be deemed as you jus' bein' bitchy laugh.gif


Mad Mike


Only 3 boats so far have fish recorded for the Specimen Comp.


Frontrunner is Martin Burt with what is amost a club record Undulate Ray


Next comp we will need at least 6 boats booked in as it is a BFM comp.



Well, that was an eventful day... tongue.gif


What started as a lovely relaxing day on the a calm sea turned into a marathan trial.


Decided against fish the ledge and fished Xray instead. Got the target bream but only small, and countless dogfish.


Little Rob managed to snatch a Starry Smothound which sent him a merry dance for a while, but again, only small.


So, upped anchor and header a further 6 miles out to the wrecks. Manged to snag some congers but all were small.


Then things changed...


Left that wreck and went in search of another close by. Couldn't find the wreck and whilst circling the steering suddenly broke...oh blast!!!


Couldn't repair it at sea so, had to devise a way to navigate back to the Ledge where I would meet up with Paul D for a tow home if needed.


Through great team work with little Rob navigating at the front and controlling the throttle, and me sitting by the transom seat and manually steering the boat with my legs and feet!!!, we managed to get back to the ledge. Even got to planning speed.


Stopped at the ledge with Paul D to wait for sufficient water to enter Xchurch. Paul offered to tow me in but the steering team work had worked so well I thought we could handle the challenge easier on our own, with Neo in close formation in case we got into difficulty. Even with a tow I would still need to manually steer Splash-Out, and because we were going in at low water I was concerned that towing Splash-Out would have causing Neo to sit lower at her transom and so bottom out in the shallows.


Anyway, long story short, we managed to "steer" Splash-Out back to Wick under our own steam, and recover the boat without incident. But, it was a hard slog. Steering a boat manually at full trim is one thing, but slow manouvering with the engine trimmed up is another. It's gut busting.


So, what could we have done differently?


1 - Tied up along side Neo (or another larger boat) rather than being towed behind.

2 - Beached the boat at Mudeford and then get a lift back to Wick to pick up the trailer (would have saved the most gruely part of the trip up the river).


Could've done those things but didn't...instead little Rob has a memory he will recall with fond memories...some brilliant navigation from Rob and quality time with his Dad. He was dead chuffed that we found a way to get back from 10 miles out at sea...and #1, at no time do you panic!!!


Catch report

4 Bream each to 2lb 2oz

Dozens of LSD to 2lb 4oz





Knackered and off to bed.




Well done Bob ! ... Master Mariner.... perfect example of keeping a 'cool head' and realising there are several equally practical ways out !!


Cimarra had a much less eventful day............


.....as early a start as was possible, but still a queue on the slip; then off to the Ledge where MANY boats were parked............. and many more joined us [ I counted 25 by 11am.]


We weren't doing as well as hoped for...........so plan A was resurrected .......and Simon whizzed us west at 35+ mph and we soon reached Anvil Pt., where we joined a couple of others for the last of the ebb.......and got into a few bream and decent wrasse..........but this died with the tide and didn't restart with the flood.


En route back to Mudeford , we stopped where I found a big bream last week, near the W. edge of the Ledge but today it was just pout.


A slow crawl back up a very shallow harbour [how did you manage Bob??]......reminded me why I use Mudeford rather than Wick.



Posted (edited)

Well Sammy has nothing of worth to report.


Tom Pot Blenny, small pout and LSD's seemed to make up most of the day.


Started at Christchurch Ledge and worked back to Poole with nothing worth talking about.


Ended up parking near Mike (the mad version wink.gif ) and admired his new craft!


Going back into Poole it was like the world and his wife wanted to catch the bridge opening at 4.30, the RoRo ferry was on its way out and people scatted everywhere except a very small rib which travelled alongside the ferry but within 25mtrs of its side! ohmy.gifohmy.gif


Nice to be out but some good fish would have make it great.





ps Good to hear you made it back ok Bob, I was listerning in on the radio and was thinking of you. tongue.gif



Edited by Coddy

Well Phaeton had a few miles logged and some new territory covered. managed to do no better than AWOL adventures on the shambles and, to cut to the chase, gave up on them.


Followed Nipper a mile and a half, then another, then another.........gave up on that too


Ran out to some deeper water and managed to have a few tussles


Dave - Conger 22lb


Me - Huss 8lb 5oz and Spurdog 13lb 11oz


Pictures when I get home later in the week - am on a borrowed machine here!


"Awol" went west looking for bream and found a few, I had the largest weighed onboard at 2lb 10oz. Also had an Undulate Ray on a light spinning rod and 6000 size reel it weighed 18lb 10oz. Amazed that the hook held on but thankfully it did smile.gif






What odds would you have given me that Pete Russel Snr would catch one exactly the same size and strangely using the same method. Both are only 2oz short of the club record as well.





What odds would you have given me that Pete Russel Snr would catch one exactly the same size and strangely using the same method. Both are only 2oz short of the club record as well.

Knowing PR I would give 100:1 laugh.gif


He text me with the good news last night weep.gif


Any other good specimens recorded yet?





I'm hoping to enter a few comps this year out on Marichelle.....I certainly could do with the practice.

I ended up at canford boat jumble with Jimbo and bought some 12mm multiplait polypropelene 100m for


Hi Kam,

Was just stating what i had bought . I am going to cut my existing chain of 25m in half and put 12.5m of chain on my new rope and keep the other 12.5m chain and anchor as a spare mate. Cheers Jas


Might be worth weighing the chain Jason....if it's heavier than your anchor it would be good.


Can otherwise imagine you retrieving via the alderney ring, dragging the anchor up to the ring, then the weight of the anchor overcoming the weight of the chain and plummetting once more to the seabed.


Still...what do I know!



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