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After looking at chartplotter/ fishfinder combo's to fit in a Merry Fisher 625, just wondering if you all have any genearal recomendations or advice.


Firstly, is a 5inch screen with high res. preferable to a 6 inch screen with lower res.?


Also has anyone had any experiance or recommendations with Navman, Eagle, Lowrance Units?





The Eagle SeaChamp 2000 is very good value at the moment, and a super unit.

It's the unit I have. My only gripe with it is the mounting bracket which makes fitting and removing the unit a bit cumbersome at the start and end of the day.


6" display. Extremely good display resolution. And the ability to record your sonar data and look at it back at home on your PC. Great for finding the GPS numbers for a new mark.




If you do a lot of drifting and have the space, then get separate units. Garmin 2006 plotters are relatievely cheap as the 30xx series has superceded them. I have 2006, and recommend the 2006C as the greyscale makes inshore navigation a bit dodgy!


wow thanks for the help!


We are definately going for a colour plotter / fishifinder, however do not have adequate space for 2 individual units, so need the combination.


Most probably going to use 'jgtech', but are unsure which one to choose for some novice fishermen! ohmy.gif a 5inch screen with higher resolution, or a 6inch with lower resolution?


Eagle SeaCharter 640CDF - 5inch 640x480 res.


Eagle SeaChamp 1000 CDF - 6inch 320x240 res.


Navman TrackFish 6500 - 4inch 230x234 res.


Any recommendations between these three? or something else similar?




Have you looked at the SeaChamp 2000C? 6" with 640x480 resolution.

That's want you want.


If it comes to choice between 6" and lower res, or 5" and higher res, go for the higher res.




How powerful are the transducers? If you're wrecking in 65m+ then you need a powerful one. I had a lowrance x71 fishfinder and it really struggled compared to my x88DF. High resolution is great on a sounder, but if you want to see the plotter screen from outside the cabin when drifting then perhaps size is more of a consideration?

As for space - don't be afraid to ceiling mount stuff.


Have you checked the magazine adverts for deals?


Whenever we need anything we try to research what we want from recommendations, try to find one to look at, then use adverts and internet to find the best price - ideally with some comeback!


Just a thought.



PS Am tempted too to get a fishfinder and a plotter - but am considering last years models and deals etc to keep the cost down.


good point,, have not considered magasines yet (didnt think of it ohmy.gif ), though i can get a very competitive deal with jgtech.


i agree with getting last years models, as there is no reason to pay extortionate prices for only minor improvements!


Not having used a fishfinder before, (only much larger plotters), is there any importance for this to have a higher res. against screensize, though there are the obvious benifits for plotters.


Thanks for the help sofar guys!




Thanks for all of the help guys!


we have finally settled on an Eagle SeaCharter 640C DF !


main reasons are because of the higher screen res. against the slightly larger 6" screens.

Also, this will fairly easy to remove when the boat is left, and if mounted on a 'wedge' will be viewable from further back in the boat, useful for drifting.


Managed to get a good deal from JGTECH, also getting a good deal on a VHF radio!


Thanks for that emulator link simon, eagle do a similar thing, though not for this exact model weep.gif , though there cant be THAT much difference...


Again thanks for all of the help!



good point,, have not considered magasines yet (didnt think of it ohmy.gif ), though i can get a very competitive deal with jgtech.


i agree with getting last years models, as there is no reason to pay extortionate prices for only minor improvements!


Not having used a fishfinder before, (only much larger plotters), is there any importance for this to have a higher res. against screensize, though there are the obvious benifits for plotters.


Thanks for the help sofar guys!



My two lowrance's had virtually the same size screen, but the increased resolution of the newer one made a big difference. It was possible to discern internal decks on wrecks in 35m, whereas they simply showed up as a solid black lump before.

As to the wonders of modern technology - my Koden CVS106 is better than my lowrance even though it's older. Having said that, it's a CRT instead of LCD, and is now suffering a dogy connection which makes the screen go dim occasionally.

You'll find virtually all the commercial guys use Koden or Foruno fishfinders.

Oh - and dual frequency 50/200khz is a waste of time - you'll only need the 200. My koden runs at 120khz which helps in deeper water.

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