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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having checked the latest forecasts, and compared information, I think the wind will have dropped to no more than 2-3 occ 4 for Sunday. There might be some leftover lumpy stuff from Saturday, but that's typical !


As such, I cannot currently foresee major change to this, and the PBSBAC is therefore ON !!!!


Register etc as per usual.


Any change, to this, and I will let all know on here.



Safety Officer





Thanks Mike


Remember guys if you don't register that your fishing the comp then your catches in the comp will not count.

You can register either by phone, text email, pm, posting on here or if your lucky enough to raise someone on the VHF Ch6




Ps don't forget you can also fish the Dolphims Bream open comp at the same time. To enter this comp you will need to register at Poole Sea Angling Centre from 8.30 Sunday.


I would like to register for this competition please.

Boat name is Bassanova.

Perhaps someone could help me with the best place to fish, however I can't go too far from Poole as I will have the family with me who might find it too choppy.



  Moz said:
I would like to register for this competition please.

Boat name is Bassanova.

Perhaps someone could help me with the best place to fish, however I can't go too far from Poole as I will have the family with me who might find it too choppy.



Dave fishing the Bream comp and not wanting to travel to far you are limited to possibly Poole Patch or the area Old Harry to Ballard




Yes i`ll have a go please unsure.gif


Fishing on Whitey Bitey with non member,also fishing Poole Dolphins.


Is there a weigh in at Baiter ? or do i post my catch report on here (not too sure ) If Martin don`t catch them all laugh.gif




Update to Inshore Forecast:


24 hour forecast: 1800 Sat 19 May 1800 Sun 20 May

Wind Southwest 4 or 5, becoming variable 3 or 4.

Sea state Slight or moderate.

Weather Mainly fair.

Visibility Good.


This may prove bumpier than some might like, but should NOT be dangerous for a well-equipped boat handled carefully, in the inshore marks.


As such, I do not believe this direction and strength of wind is likely to cause most club boats any problems - but do be careful, and keep an eye on ACTUAL conditions, which may be a notch higher.



PS Frisky will be fishing, with George, Carol and I, and will fish the harbour if need be, rather then get bumped around breaming! Our planned hours for the comp are 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.




Alun J. and Paul Frey will be fishing [ our comp. only] on board 'Imagine'; this will be its first fishing trip and Paul and I will try and retain our trophies ..... but there's a lot more competition than in last year's much postponed fixture!




Hi All,


antifoul dry.... trim tabs fixed (finally at 01:30 last night!!) deckwash pump - fitted, +endless jobs including filling up the teabag holder.... we're Ready...


Paul F and Alun J - on Imagine - say hello on ch6 if you are passing. Will be fishing from 0930 to 1530hrs.


Tight lines to all those who get out.




Court Jester will be out - fishing both competitions, please register accordingly


2 members and two non members.



See you all at the weigh in.




Updated forecast....


Inshore waters forecast

24 hour forecast: 0600 Sun 20 May 0600 Mon 21 May

Wind Variable 2 or 3, becoming north 3 or 4.

Sea state Moderate becoming slight.

Weather Occasional rain.

Visibility Good, occasionally moderate.


Seems to be improving!


Good luck all.



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